Gordon G. Chang, New York Post

Gordon G. Chang

New York Post

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Past articles by Gordon:

It was no mistake: Chinese balloons hinting to an attack

The Chinese balloon we shot down Feb. 4 lingered over Malmstrom Air Force Base, the site of approximately a third of America’s land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. → Read More

China smiles as America falls deeper into the TikTok trap

TikT, the extremely popular video-sharing app, is in the midst of another round of negotiations with the U.S. federal government over data security. The Biden administration should […] → Read More

China insults a submissive Biden desperate to talk to Xi

“Doubled-faced.” That’s how Beijing just described two senior Biden administration officials who had traveled to China, seeking to repair relations with the Chinese regime. Last week, U.S. […] → Read More

China puts the world at more risk than ever before

China, the world's most populous state, has never been more dangerous. → Read More

China takes aim at an ally, but its true target is the US

American passivity has undermined not only the international order but also American interests. → Read More

China’s Xi Jinping grabs more power, pushing Asia closer to war

Chinese President Xi Jinping should solidify unchecked power in the 20th National Congress. That means he is essentially unchecked at home to take back Taiwan. → Read More

CHANG: China Can’t Stop Its Currency Plunge

Currency controls just buy the Chinese regime time, however. → Read More

CHANG: ‘Rainbow Fentanyl’ Is Designed To Addict And Kill America’s Youth. Here’s How The US Can Stop It

Are these measures extreme? Perhaps, but close to 100,000 Americans each year overdose on fentanyl and related opioids, and soon many more will be children. → Read More

Do we have the wrong nuclear weapons to deter Russia and China?

Once nuclear deterrence breaks down, the worst can occur quickly. → Read More

Is China sparking stealth war in the air?

China has engaged in a series of troubling intercepts of aircraft in recent months. → Read More

We should be restricting, not expanding, trade with China

It is time for America’s trade policy to align with its values. → Read More

In Shanghai, COVID-19 has become China’s political disease

To please one person, Chinese communism is destroying a great city — and a great people. → Read More

Why India is 'shaky' on Ukraine

Don’t expect India to come around to America’s side anytime soon. → Read More

China's nuclear threats are following on the heels of Russia's threats and should be a US wake-up call

China’s Ministry of Defense on Thursday threatened to impose the "worst consequences" on countries helping Taiwan defend itself. → Read More

Biden Ignoring Budapest Memorandum Commitments to Ukraine

It is now time for the United States to remember the promises made—those in writing and those made informally...Putin, after all, will not stop at Ukraine. → Read More

Will Xi Jinping’s ‘End of Days’ Plunge China and the World into War?

Virulent anti-Americanism suggests Xi Jinping is establishing a justification to strike America. The Chinese regime often uses its media to first warn and then signal its actions. → Read More

China celebrates genocide and death at Olympics

The Chinese regime is hiding no more. At the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, a proud – and arrogant – ruling group is flaunting an image the world abhors. → Read More

China is making sanctions on Russia irrelevant

The announcement of the new Russia-China oil and gas arrangements makes Washington’s warnings seem hollow, or at least behind-the-times → Read More

As Kazakhstan models China's brutality, will China model its protests?

Events in neighboring Kazakhstan are unnerving the leadership of the seemingly mighty Chinese state. → Read More

What America must do about China in 2022

China’s regime attacks America every day, and every day America’s political leaders, and especially its president, refuse to react. Why? → Read More