John O'Sullivan, National Review

John O'Sullivan

National Review

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Past articles by John:

Incident on a New York Bus

Once, small talk about the weather was safe for a New York City bus. No longer. → Read More

If The Mask Fits, Be Very Worried

Masks are emblematic, literally so, of the politicization of everything, including identity itself, that is the Left’s main instinctual drive today. → Read More

Into the Whirlwind: Part One

What follows are some initial thoughts on the fall of Kabul. I will follow up shortly with more on what this debacle might mean for America’s position in the world. → Read More

A Moveable Feast?

The first of a number of Roger Scruton-themed coffee shops has opened its doors in Budapest. → Read More

About Those Predictions of Trump Refusing to Leave Office

If Trump is defeated, he will hand over power and office on Inauguration Day and, in all probability, take a vacation before deciding whether to fight to continue leading the GOP in the Biden-Harris interregnum. → Read More

On Musical Jingoism

When it comes to the song “Rule Britannia,” context is needed. → Read More

Conventions in a Time of Revolution

Trump personifies resistance to the Marxist revolution that has crept up on us, and at the GOP convention so far he has transmitted that message loud and clear. Everything else is stage directions. → Read More

Harper’s Versus the Carpers

Angry and indignant objections have been raining down on its authors’ heads since the day after publication. A handful of signatories have withdrawn their support for it; other collective letters have been organized to dispute its arguments; and columnists have been denouncing its authors as little better than privileged right-wingers. → Read More

Boris Returns

Boris Johnson returned today to politics today after a life-and-death battle with the coronavirus and a convalescence lasting three weeks at Chequers. → Read More

Lockdown Diary, Budapest

‘Ghost trains,’ Hungary’s emergency law, face masks and social distancing, restaurants’ pivot to takeout and delivery. → Read More

Hungary’s Emergency Law Is Flawed — But It Doesn’t Herald ‘Dictatorship’

The lack of a sunset clause is worrisome, but talk of the end of democracy is overheated. → Read More

Waiting for Coronavirus

A case for mitigation, not suppression, as the more appropriate response to the coronavirus pandemic. → Read More

Post-Scripts to a London Letter

Harry and Meghan are hurting otherings -- and themselves. → Read More

‘Goodbye to All That’: An Early Eurosceptic and Thatcher Aide Looks Back

An early Eurosceptic and adviser to Margaret Thatcher looks back on the long history leading up to Brexit. → Read More

Brexit: The Movie

A British made-for-TV movie explores the political shift that took place before and after the Brexit referendum. → Read More

Creating Conservatism Inc., Continued

National Review Institute helps preserve Bill Buckley’s legacy and sustain the movement he created. → Read More

Creating Conservatism Inc.

The Institute takes conservative ideas, National Review's history, and the Buckley legacy on the road across America; the NRI fellows who represent and spread conservative ideas in every part of the country. → Read More

A Realignment Election in the U.K.

The pro-Brexit vote in U.K. politics turned out to be as steady as the guards at Waterloo. → Read More

Her Majesty’s Government and Hong Kong

Composing a diplomatic protest that will comfort the interested parties without committing to anything controversial is a skill. → Read More

United Kingdom & Brexit Election Outlook: Positive

If repeated on Election Day, current polling results would produce a solid Tory majority of about between 40 and 60 seats. → Read More