Peter Berkowitz, RealClearPolitics

Peter Berkowitz


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Past articles by Peter:

Abraham Accords Can Ease Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

TEL AVIV—Last Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet announced his intention to dissolve the fragile eight-party coalition government that he has led... → Read More

Harry Jaffa's Love-Hate Relationship With Moderation

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!" So declared GOP presidential nominee Barry Goldwater to the delight of party loyalists at the July 1964 Republican National Convention on the way to a landslide loss to President Lyndon B. Johnson in the general election four months later. → Read More

Liberal Education as an Antidote to Identity Politics

Donald Trump’s presidency has provoked an outpouring of anguished commentary about the norms — that is, customary behavior and moral standards — that underlie liberal democracy in... → Read More

Anti-Liberal Zealotry Part V: Rediscovering Liberalism

In “Why Liberalism Failed,” Patrick Deneen makes an eye-opening contribution to the critique of liberalism. Equating liberalism with the modern tradition of freedom, he distills abuses of state... → Read More

Anti-Liberal Zealotry Part IV: Classical and Modern Lessons of Moderation

In “Why Liberalism Failed,” Patrick Deneen contends that today’s liberal regimes deserve to perish because they do not live up to the classical conception of political excellence. But the... → Read More

Anti-Liberal Zealotry Part III: Locke and the Liberal Tradition

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third of a five-part essay by the Hoover Institution’s Peter Berkowitz on the challenges faced by liberal democracy in America in light of Patrick Deneen’s recent... → Read More

Duke Erodes Liberal Education

On May 8, the Duke University student newspaper published a stirring letter addressed to the school community that was co-signed by 101 students and former students. The letter protested the decision... → Read More

An Israeli's Overture to His Palestinian Neighbors

Last month, dueling guest opinion pieces marking the 70th anniversary of Israel’s birth (according to the Hebrew calendar) appeared in the United States’ two most influential newspapers.... → Read More

The Untold Story of Israeli Innovation

Even beyond its extraordinary success in launching high-tech companies chronicled nine years ago in the best-selling “Start-up Nation,” Israel is an innovation capital of the world. But... → Read More

What Colleges Must Do to Promote Diversity

Another high-profile act of campus censorship -- amid a coast-to-coast spate of student assaults on free speech the last two years -- occurred in late September at the College of William & Mary.... → Read More

Why Legal Avenues to Mideast Peace Are Misguided

TEL AVIV -- Over the summer, Trump administration officials Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner visited Israel and the Palestinian Authority to renew efforts to resolve the conflict over the West... → Read More

Campus Declarations of War on Free Speech

The threat to free speech in the United States is by no means restricted to colleges and universities, but they have become breeding grounds, training camps, and launching pads in the campaign to... → Read More

What 'Fascism' Talk Really Accomplishes

The allegation that Donald Trump’s presidency reflects the rise—or resurgence—of fascism in America has little basis in fact. But it is a sure way to amplify the scorn for... → Read More

True Health-Care Reform Hinges on Doctors' Redefined Role

The controversy over the future of health care in the United States is momentous. But the narrowness of the debate—which swirls around coverage, costs, and who pays—obscures other grave... → Read More

Moderation Is in Short Supply

Moderation—the tendency to avoid the extremes and strike sensible balances—does not appear to be President Trump’s strong suit. That so much of the opposition to him is bereft of... → Read More

The Tar Pits Abroad

Is foreign intervention still worth it for America? → Read More

The Classicist: World War I, A Century Later

How the First World War shaped world history and foreign policy. → Read More

U.S. Must Build On Short-Term Steps in Israeli Peace Effort

TEL AVIV--President Donald Trump’s penchant for entwining reckless utterances and sound pronouncements was on vivid display at his joint White House press conference last month with Israeli... → Read More

Trump's GOP: Perched Between Risk and Opportunity

Republicans have rarely had it so good or found themselves so politically vulnerable. On the one hand, the time is ripe for the Grand Old Party to institute bold reforms that bring the United States... → Read More

Our Polarized Politics Are Tied to Flaws in Education

The debasement of liberal education is a little-discussed but long-standing cause of the much-discussed polarization of our politics. The historically high unfavorable ratings of the 2016 presumptive... → Read More