Dave McGinn, The Globe and Mail

Dave McGinn

The Globe and Mail

Toronto, ON, Canada

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  • The Globe and Mail

Past articles by Dave:

Child-care centres in Ontario, and across Canada, face staffing crisis

Low wages are sending many workers out of the sector just as the demand for services is increasing → Read More

Mental health services for Ontario children reached ‘desperate’ levels in the past year

The Ontario Psychological Association says its e-referral service saw a 178 per cent increase in requests for privately delivered mental health services for children aged six to 12 → Read More

Private child-care advocacy group pressing Ottawa to send money directly to parents

Critics say request by association representing for-profit operators would increase parents fees and fail to meet Ottawa’s goal to create an accessible, equitable system → Read More

Calgary dog-walking bus takes city pooches along for a ride

Business is booming for Calgary dog walker behind ‘adventure school bus for dogs’ → Read More

Private equity, pension funds show growing interest in daycare industry

There was already some institutional investment in the daycare sector, but operators say interest has grown since the federal government’s $10-a-day child-care plan was announced → Read More

What happened to COVID mutual aid groups?

Community groups thrived during the pandemic. Those that continue to operate want to see ‘caremongering’ evolve further → Read More

Governments’ daycare budgets didn’t account for inflation, and it’s affecting how kids are fed

Unless government funding is adjusted to reflect inflation at the grocery store, some child-care centres are considering cancelling their food programs → Read More

Dog influencers are barking straight to the bank

Celebrity dogs are serious business on Instagram and TikTok, where their joyous lives help garner them sponsorship opportunities worth thousands of dollars → Read More

Alberta child-care operators say there is a lack of information around new federal funds

For-profit and non-profit child-care operators are still waiting for a ‘cost control framework’ on what they are allowed to spend new federal money on → Read More

Looking back at Canada’s child care deal in 2022 and the challenges ahead

With every province and territory having signed the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, child care advocates say progress so far has been significant → Read More

Why are loons disappearing from Canada?

Loons and their haunting calls may be treasured by many Canadians, but the birds are slowly disappearing → Read More

Ross Petty hanging up his hook after one final flight

Petty taking to the stage one last time as Captain Hook for his swan song production of Peter’s Final Flight! The Pan-Tastical Family Musical → Read More

As veterans struggle with loneliness, advocates push for more social-building programs

The 2021 census found that nearly one-quarter of veterans live alone, a much higher rate than the overall population → Read More

Ontario education workers, parents and students share what’s at stake with the strike

Workers have been subject to a three-year wage increase cap, which has seen them garner wage hikes of one-per-cent annually since 2019 - well below the rate of inflation → Read More

Ontario families scramble to secure child care ahead of potential school closings

Several Ontario school districts say they will need to close on Friday as 55,000 workers who are CUPE members plan to strike Friday → Read More

Ontario’s deadline to opt in to national child-care plan is Nov. 1

Centres that chose to opt in to the $13.2-billion deal by Tuesday will be able to offer parents a rebate of 25 per cent of their fees retroactive to April → Read More

Olivia Lutfallah’s TikTok videos show the reality of life with ADHD

Despite the wide prevalence of ADHD, there are countless misconceptions about the mental-health disorder → Read More

Canadian hockey parents say it’s time to dedicate more funding to female players

Against the backdrop of Hockey Canada’s scandal, some hockey parents believe the organization’s fallout could finally lead to a broader reckoning of equality in sport → Read More

This Thanksgiving, some families divided by the pandemic think of ways to mend fences

For relatives who argued over vaccines, masks and other facts of COVID-19 life, the holidays can be a chance to repair strained relationships – but estrangement, no matter its cause, can take years to overcome, researchers and therapists say → Read More

Parents, child-care operators confused by childcare subsidy roll out

Parents and child-care operators in Ontario say there is a troubling lack of transparency in the rollout of the program → Read More