Cameron Peters, Vox

Cameron Peters


Washington, DC, United States

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Past articles by Cameron:


What happens if Bolsonaro wins reelection in Brazil?

The enormous stakes of this weekend’s presidential runoff in Brazil, explained. → Read More


Russian businessmen keep dying. No one knows why.

Three theories for a mysterious string of deaths in Putin’s Russia. → Read More


The Pentagon is calling on US airlines to help with Afghanistan evacuations

Six US airlines will contribute to "one of the largest, most difficult airlifts in history." → Read More


Biden backs school districts in fight against GOP mask mandate bans

Eight states, including Florida and Texas, are trying to ban mask mandates. → Read More


The West is burning. Climate change is making it worse.

Almost 1.5 million acres of the US are on fire right now. → Read More


As the pandemic wears on, some Americans could need booster shots

Some health officials now think a third shot could help older and immunocompromised people. → Read More


The US steps up efforts to save Afghan allies amid Taliban offensive

As the US withdrawal deadline nears, "Operation Allies Refuge" will evacuate Afghans who helped American forces. → Read More


The UN condemned Myanmar’s coup. Will that matter?

"We cannot live in a world where military coups become a norm," the UN secretary-general said. → Read More


Abortion rights, Joe Biden, and communion: The controversy, explained

US Catholic leadership is divided on how to approach pro-choice Catholic politicians. → Read More


The DOJ has a plan to protect voting rights. It might not be enough.

Merrick Garland’s speech is a cry for congressional action. → Read More


Biden’s $6 trillion budget proposal would rebuild America’s social safety net

Biden’s first budget aims to herald a new era of big government → Read More


A bipartisan January 6 commission is probably dead. Democrats have a backup plan.

A House committee could be less vulnerable to GOP obstruction, after the commission bill was filibustered. → Read More


The GOP whitewash of the Capitol attack shows the need for a January 6 commission

Two House Republicans have suggested that a commission could subpoena Kevin McCarthy. → Read More


The GOP whitewash of the Capitol attack shows the need for a January 6 commission

Two House Republicans have suggested that a commission could subpoena Kevin McCarthy. → Read More


"Get the vaccine and enjoy life with no masks": Kate McKinnon returns as SNL’s Dr. Fauci

SNL’s latest cold open tackles mask-wearing scenarios and new CDC guidance. → Read More


Israel has destroyed AP and Al Jazeera’s Gaza bureaus as airstrikes intensify

AP and Al Jazeera staff was forced to evacuate before Israeli airstrikes. → Read More


The US military is finally withdrawing from Afghanistan

After 20 years of war, Biden has pledged all US troops will leave by September 11, 2021. → Read More


Polls: A majority of Americans feel good about Biden’s first 100 days

With more than 200 million vaccine doses in arms, Biden’s coronavirus response gets high marks. → Read More


State-level Republicans are making it easier to run over protesters

GOP lawmakers are responding to Black Lives Matter protests with anti-protest bills. → Read More


A coronavirus surge is overwhelming India’s health care system

India set a pandemic record with almost 347,000 new cases in a day. → Read More