Tyler Adkisson, Newsy

Tyler Adkisson


Chicago, IL, United States

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Past articles by Tyler:

How To Avoid Online Scams This Holiday Season

Experts say online scams around the holidays are growing because of Americans' increased reliance on e-commerce for shopping. → Read More

Election Misinformation Wasn't As Big Of An Issue As Many Expected

The limited spread of misinformation amid this year's midterm elections could come down to what trends to address it stuck and which didn't. → Read More

Federal Trade Commission Warns Of Student Loan Relief Scams

Cybersecurity experts told Newsy the relief program is particularly lucrative to scammers because it offers a huge target for information and money. → Read More

Iranian Government Increases Restrictions On Internet Due To Protests

Online access has also been stifled by social media giants, which have had to juggle keeping communication channels open for Iranians. → Read More

Changing Your Password Too Often Might Be Hurting Your Account Privacy

Patterns most humans use in changing their passwords could be leading to more predictable and easy-to-breach security. → Read More

Drug Sales Through Social Media Are Increasing

Though social media platforms like Snapchat have safeguards in place, drug sellers often change their tactics quickly, making them hard to detect. → Read More

Our Everyday Artificial Intelligence

As AI becomes a bigger and bigger part of our world, it's changing how we use technology and interact with each other. → Read More

Why Doesn't A Test To Check For Marijuana Impairment Exist? (VIDEO)

Though toxicology reports can show THC in a driver's system, no test exists to check if its levels are affecting their ability to drive. → Read More

Ukraine's Internet System Is A Hidden Weapon In Its War With Russia

Ukraine's ability to keep its internet up and running has allowed its citizens to stay connected to the world despite Russia's invasion. → Read More

Flight-Tracking Community Is Keeping Eyes On Russian Oligarchs

Flight trackers were created for aviation enthusiasts to connect, but now they're working to create more accurate readings. → Read More

Hackers Are Picking Sides In The Russia, Ukraine War

Hackers are split on who they're supporting, with one group declaring a "cyber war" against Russian government and another declaring full support. → Read More

It's Electric: Chicago Auto Show Gives A Look At The Future Of EVs

Sales of EVs made up about 2.6% of the U.S. auto market in 2021, and they're expected to climb to 4% in 2022, according to Edmunds. → Read More

Is Your Money Safe In PayPal? How The Platform Is Keeping Users' Money

PayPal can suddenly lock and keep people from accessing their own money in the system, sometimes with no reason why. → Read More

Cryptocurrency Is Taking Its First Steps Into The Super Bowl Ad Arena

Three crypto exchanges are buying ads for the first time as this year's 30 second slots run for $7 million. → Read More

Olympics Might Be A Target For Cyber Espionage And Surveillance

Experts say cyber espionage and surveillance of athletes and visitors is the biggest threat by the Chinese government at the Games. → Read More

Why Hasn't President Biden Moved On Net Neutrality? (VIDEO)

Net neutrality is the principle that internet providers should treat all traffic going through their systems equally. → Read More

Rate Of Russian Ransomware Attacks Has Yet To Slow Down

A former government cyber official says the rate of the attacks hasn't gone down, but the scale of them has. → Read More

Explainer: The Security Flaw That's Freaked Out The Internet

A wide swath of critical industries, including electric power, water, food and beverage, manufacturing and transportation, were exposed. → Read More

QAnon Theorists Are Running For Political Office

Watchdog group Media Matters for America says at least 48 candidates running for Congress "have previously endorsed or given credence" to QAnon. → Read More

Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen Returns To Capitol Hill

Haugen went back to Congress to talk about reforming content liability laws. → Read More