Marty Fukuda, Entrepreneur

Marty Fukuda


Wilmington, NC, United States

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Past articles by Marty:

Transforming Your Culture From Good to Great

Or, if you're not as lucky, from bad to great. → Read More

5 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Leading a Discussion Group

Discussion groups can be super helpful, but only if you moderate them in the right way. → Read More

From Bad to Great: Lessons You Can Learn From the Chicago Cubs

What 'The Cubs Way' can teach about building a winning culture. → Read More

The 5 Essentials to Effective Coaching

There are all sorts of management styles, but none of them will work without the right foundation. → Read More

4 Inspiring Quotes To Help You Train Like a Champion

The most successful people in the world aren't clutch -- they're prepared. → Read More

Does Your Company Culture Match Your Brand?

Does Your Company Culture Match Your Brand? Why you need a culture check today. → Read More

3 Entrepreneurial Lessons I Learned from Raising Horses

You can learn some important life lessons in the stables and on the track. → Read More

How to Make Your Employees Masters, Not Just Workers

Smart businesses make sure their employees are constantly getting better in their roles . . . from the interns to the CEO. → Read More

3 Essentials for Spontaneously Mentoring Your Star Employees

The people you most want to keep need to hear that you see a future for them at your company. → Read More

5 Ways to Build a Team That Cares

Sincerely caring for your customers is good for business. Sincerely caring for people in general is good for life. → Read More

3 Mantras to Guide Your Personal Personal Growth Day-by-Day

Personal growth is the result of accumulating knowledge over years. It rarely strikes like lightning. → Read More

This Is How You Become the Michael Jordan of What Matters to You

Learn how to set the bar high from a man who is driven to be number one. → Read More

How Being a 'C' Student Helped Me in Business

Sometimes, real-world experience, not academic performance, is the better pathway to the corporate suite. → Read More

3 Ways to Create a Great Place to Work

These steps will help employers build a company where everyone wants to work. → Read More

5 Simple Steps Toward World-Class In the Clutch

Performing under pressure comes from preparation, mental focus and fearlessness. → Read More

5 Reasons Businesses Should Favor Function Over Flash

Effective office spaces do not have to be as lavish as those seen in Hollywood productions to reflect your values. → Read More

Plan Your Week Like a Fantasy Football Lineup

Follow these four simple steps to optimize your own personal growth and be as effective as your fantasy team. → Read More

4 Ways to Break Out of a Creative Rut

Here's a useful exercise to lift that creative block. → Read More

Business Challenges Are When Your Team Builds Muscle and Confidence

A firm's capacity to emerge stronger from adversity is similar to muscle growth in the human body. → Read More

3 Ways to Manage Stress and Recharge Your Life

Successful people don't have less stress in their lives. They've just mastered a few principles that help them rebalance their time, energy and emotions. → Read More