Shakira Hussein,

Shakira Hussein

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

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Past articles by Shakira:

Roasted: Cory Bernardi, Sam Kekovich the lambasssador and white fragility

White fragility in Australia is looking particularly fragile at the moment on the back of a joke war between Meat and Livestock Australi. → Read More

Stephen Hawking wasn't bound to his wheelchair, he was empowered by it

Eulogies of Stephen Hawking miss the mark in understanding the pop icon and scientist's wheelchair. Shakira Hussein explains some of the frustrations coming forth in the wake of his death. → Read More

The death of legendary Pakistani lawyer Asma Jahangir is a blow to human rights everywhere

The death of legendary Pakistani lawyer Asma Jahangir is a blow to human rights everywhere The death of Jahangir, who was a champion of women and human rights, drew calls to continue her work from across Pakistani's ideological spectrum. → Read More

The death of legendary Pakistani lawyer Asma Jahangir is a blow to human rights everywhere

The death of legendary Pakistani lawyer Asma Jahangir is a blow to human rights everywhere The death of Jahangir, who was a champion of women and human rights, drew calls to continue her work from across Pakistani's ideological spectrum. → Read More

How an Islamic fashion exhibition exposed the true Aussie spirit

Hijabi fashion is here to stay, but The Australian didn't get the memo writes Shakira Hussein. → Read More

Why I'm done fact-checking Islamophobes, racists and trolls

It's hard to come up with the perfect come-back when you're accosted by racists like Sam Dastyari was. But it's what happens next that is more important. → Read More

Lindt cafe siege inquest: domestic violence is terrorism

Some murders are not just an act of private anger, but are intended to send an explicit message to a far broader audience. We call those murders terrorism, except when the victims are women and children. → Read More

ISIS destruction of Palmyra, Syria, a crime against history

Islamic State's destruction of the ancient city of Palmyra is heartbreaking. But its history and artifacts do not belong to the world; they belong to Syria alone. → Read More

Is this the real world? Bin Laden conspiracy theory makes plenty of sense

The US government loves to create its own reality, and the case of Osama bin Laden's assassination is no different. → Read More

Australia's national security budget won't stop terrorism

There is tonnes of money in the budget for "national security", i.e. the ongoing alienation of Muslims. → Read More

Geert Wilders' role in Texas Muhammed cartoon attack

We are quick to blame a tweet from a Muslim urging violence against those at a Texas cartoon exhibition. But what about the hate speech of Islamophobe Geert Wilders? → Read More

Stella Young was against euthanasia, the Greens' bill against her wishes

* A good article, with valuable perspectives. To me it illustrates that we are all different and all approach our own inevitable mortality and the risks and burdens of illness and disability very differently. It is also probably worth noting that doctors have ben shown to give a very negative rating to the future quality of life of people with a disability, far lower than the scoring assigned by… → Read More

Rabble with a cause: the importance of civil disobedience and ‘selfishness’

Those who dismissed last Friday's protest against the closure of remote Aboriginal communities as selfish completely miss the point. → Read More

Shut down the camps

Are Sydney house prices really to blame? Mayne: Nineâs extraordinary attack on Murdoch. Subeditors thin on the ground at the <em>Oz</em>? Rundle: how Greens Derangement Syndrome went viral. Pyne's expensive children. Stilgherrian on the <em>Dallas Buyers Club</em> verdict. Energy white paper winners. And Unimelb tells students: complain to ISIS, not us. → Read More

The Australian lacks subeditors, Christopher Pyne talks On Dit

Subs dropping at The Oz ... pay to listen to your boss ... Pyne a man of letters ... → Read More

Luxury car sales up for Ferrari, Audi, Mercedes in Australia for March 2015

Luxury cars hot property. And other business tidbits of the day. → Read More

Reclaim (indigenous) Australia: both sides scream tolerance at Melbourne rally

Both Reclaim Australia and the Rally Against Racism seem to think they had the moral high ground, and everyone wanted to claim both feminism and Aboriginal heritage. It was a very weird day. → Read More

Islamophobic housewives say Australia is going to halal in a grocery basket –

There is a growing trend of anti-Islamic women appointing themselves guardians of the Christian domestic realm, by "battling" halal certification on the home front. → Read More

The death penalty continues because we want it to –

The problem for anti-death penalty campaigners is that capital punishment is in fact very popular. → Read More

Why do we still think cripface is OK? –

Disability academic Beth Haller talks about new ways of giving people with disabilities control over their own narratives. And she says help could be coming from quite an unlikely quarter. → Read More