Philip Salter, CapX

Philip Salter


United Kingdom

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  • CapX
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  • City A.M.

Past articles by Philip:

A manifesto for tech

Tech startups have been the British economic success story of the past decade. You can measure this success by the obvious metrics, like our stunning VC investment figures, or the less obvious ones, like the fact that more and more young, ambitious people are being drawn to work in startups or to build their own. […] → Read More

Creating a digital state: from a one-stop shop to a no-stop shop

While bringing much of the world to a near-standstill, the pandemic sped up the need for technological solutions to deal with its consequences. Governments were just as affected as businesses, with countries around the world – many for the first time – forced to deliver education online, offer medical appointments virtually, switch to online courts, […] → Read More

How Business Creation Can Play A Vital Role In The Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

This week, we at The Entrepreneurs Network released a report with Sage showing how new business creation could play a vital role in the U.K.’s post-pandemic economic recovery and the wider levelling up agenda. → Read More

Estonia's digital state shows the way for Whitehall reform

It’s easy to be cynical about Dominic Cummings and his desire to shake up the workings of government. His much-discussed ‘Two Hands are a Lot’ blog has caused many people much more familiar than me with the intricate workings of government to brand his efforts naive or misdirected. And yet, this isn’t an opportunity to … → Read More

A migrant salary cap is the wrong policy at the wrong time

There is no easy visa policy reform that would offset the economic damage from ending free movement. But there are ways of mitigating the negative effects, such as the proposed new fast track visas for scientists. There are also ideas that would make a bad situation markedly worse. When we do, eventually, leave the EU, the … → Read More

UK tech is in a good place – but with the right policies things could be even better

A new report from Tech Nation shows that despite recent political turmoil, the UK’s tech sector still punches above its weight. Based on the relative size of our economy, last year’s scale-up tech investment was 2.5 times higher than would be expected. We can rightly brand ourselves a ‘tech nation’, having created 35 per cent … → Read More

UK Vape Entrepreneurs Could Help Save A Million Years Of Life

Despite scare stories, the rise of vape culture and the entrepreneurs supporting it should be celebrated. → Read More

Britain needs urgent business tax reform to remain competitive

Today, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Entrepreneurship releases the first of three papers. The report, authored by Sam Dumitriu and supported by Octopus, calls for a series of tax reforms that would help ensure Britain remains internationally competitive. APPGs are a broad church. Chess, rowing, mindfulness – if you can think of it, there … → Read More

How to tackle Britain's immigration Hydra

If you were to invent an immigration system from scratch, only a lunatic would come up with the bureaucratic mess we have in the UK. Fortunately, new Home Secretary Sajid Javid is reversing some of the damage. First on his hit list was the Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur visa, which will morph into a much-needed … → Read More

From Dingy Basement To The Biggest Marketing Website In Europe

How tech is helping Diane Young grow The Drum into a truly global business. → Read More

Meet Lauren Armes: The Aussie Entrepreneur With Worldwide Wellness In Her Sights

Lauren spotted a gap in the market for a UK-based digital publication covering consumer trends in the wellness industry. → Read More

DEBATE: Was the tribunal right to rule that Uber drivers are workers, not self-employed?

DEBATE: Was the tribunal right to rule that Uber drivers are workers, not self-employed? → Read More

Why People Are Key To Improving Productivity In Your Business

As a species, we seem to have figured out how to become rich. However, for this to continue we need to keep increasing productivity. In this article I ask different business leaders how different business leaders are doing this in their respective businesses. → Read More

This Legal Tech Entrepreneur Thinks Good Lawyers Shouldn't Fear Technology

Richard Mabey founded Juro to help businesses automate the time-consuming and tedious process of creating, negotiating, signing and managing legal contracts. I catch up with him to talk about his business, ambitions and future of the legal industry. → Read More

Mind The Funding Gap: Why We Need More Female Founded Scale-Ups

A new report identifies ways to close the funding gap for female founded businesses. → Read More

Big Man On Campus: DJ Turned Tech Entrepreneur

Rashid Ajami has traded in the life of an international DJ to become the founder of the tech startup Campus Society. → Read More

MassChallenge UK Finalist Founders Striving To Change The World

Introducing five MassChallenge entrepreneurs who want to change the world – whether through revolutionizing the way we feed animals, improving transparency in international aid, supporting clinicians, inspiring the next generation of scientists or getting better deals for consumers. → Read More

A Small Business Taskforce for Post-Brexit Britain

The Small Business Taskforce aims to ensure that the needs of entrepreneurs and small business owners are fairly represented in Brexit negotiations. → Read More

Mix it up: Sip cocktails with an older, wiser crowd at The Goring Hotel

It must be a sign of age but I'm increasingly uneasy hanging around youngsters on a night out. → Read More

Are You A Caring, Sharing Or Daring Entrepreneur?

In Mission, Michael Hayman MBE and Nick Giles explain the growing trend of entrepreneurs driven by a sense of mission. → Read More