Darren Naish, Scientific American

Darren Naish

Scientific American

United Kingdom

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  • Scientific American

Past articles by Darren:

Speculative Zoology, a Discussion

Of flightless future bats, alt–timeline dinosaurs—a homage to Dixoniana ... → Read More

The Tiger Subspecies Revised, 2017

So, how many different tiger subspecies are there. 8? 7? 6? Err...... 2? → Read More

Letters From the World of Turtle Evolution

turtles,pleurodires,cryptodires,Pleurodira,Cryptodira,Testudines,reptiles,herpetology,evolution,phylogeny → Read More

Fossils We Want to Find

There’s a list of fossils I’d really like you to go out and find. Good luck. → Read More

The Strange Case of the Minnesota Iceman

The modern-day corpse of a human-like hominid, preserved in a block of ice, encountered by researchers in the 1960s, you say? Surely the zoological discovery of the century! → Read More

The Ridiculous Nasal Anatomy of Giant Horned Dinosaurs

Giant horned dinosaurs had very special nostrils... → Read More

Rilla Martin's Ozenkadnook Tiger Photo, Revisited

Can we ever really explain a weird 'monster' photo, taken in Australia in 1964? Well, we can try... → Read More

The Stegosaurus Plate Controversy

You live in the Jurassic and you've evolved giant, diamond-shaped bone plates that stick out the top of your neck, back and tail. Why , evolution, why ?? → Read More

News from the World of Rabbits

In which we look at news from the world of rabbits → Read More

Burning Question for National Giraffe Day: Can They Swim?

A few years ago a colleague and I did an exhaustive analysis and concluded that they might—but not very well → Read More

The Integrated Maniraptoran, Part 1

The evolutionary history of maniraptoran dinosaurs was complex, perhaps messy. But all is not lost... → Read More

On World Rhino Day 2015, Some Things about Rhinos You Might Not Know

I’ve just learnt that today is World Rhino Day. This always happens: I learn about these things on the day and am completely unaware of them beforehand. I apologise if all this shows is that I’m badly organised and not paying enough attention to what’s being covered on the zoological newswires. Anyway... → Read More

Yi qi Is Neat But Might Not Have Been the Black Screaming Dino-Dragon of Death

A couple of weeks ago I hatched a plan to write about all the neat new dinosaur-themed studies that had just appeared in print; I began ... → Read More

That Brontosaurus Thing

So, the name Brontosaurus is back in business. After comparing, analysing, measuring and coding an extraordinary amount of anatomical detail pertaining to diplodocid sauropods, Emanuel Tschopp ... → Read More

People Are Modifying Monitors to Make Gargantuan Geckos

Over the last several days a consortium of people interested in herpetology, weird animals, animal lore, and special effects have worked together to help resolve an ... → Read More

Meet the Scaly-Tail Gliders

Among the weirdest and most fascinating of rodents are the scalytails/scaly-tails, scaly-tailed squirrels or anomalures, properly termed Anomaluridae. For those of you that don’t know, this ... → Read More

Spots, Stripes and Spreading Hooves in the Horses of the Ice Age

During the upper Palaeolithic (that is, between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago), prehistoric people in Europe and Asia (and elsewhere) depicted the animals they saw in ... → Read More

There is so much more to flying frogs than flying frogs

Episode 2 of David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies appeared on TV the other day, and I watched it (in fact, I livetweeted throughout, mostly because ... → Read More

Parsley frogs: spadefoots without spades

Anurans – frogs and toads – haven’t received enough coverage on Tet Zoo of late, so here’s one of several efforts to redress the balance. For ... → Read More

How Robins Became the Birds of Christmas

It's time to wind things down for Christmas, so what better way to do it than to write a short article about robins. And here I mean the `original' or `proper' robin - the European robin Erithacus rubecula - a Eurasian passerine that also occurs in northern Africa and is (conventionally) regarded as the only [...] → Read More