Tim Lynch, Cato Institute

Tim Lynch

Cato Institute

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Past articles by Tim:

Policy Report: Crime, the Constitution, and the Trump Administration

President Trump says crime is a serious problem and that he’s going to do something about it. His first move was to nominate Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to be the new attorney general. Sessions, a former federal prosecutor, is widely known for his “lock ’em up” philosophy and tough stances on drugs and immigration. As the first 100 days of the Trump presidency recede into history, it is a good… → Read More

Obstruction of Justice

Investigators must also respect the law as they go about their work. → Read More

Sessions' New Charging Memo

State and local leaders have to take the lead on criminal justice reform. → Read More

Know your rights when stopped by police

Most people don’t know how to handle themselves. They know they have constitutional rights, but they also know that they can get into trouble by disobeying a police officer. → Read More

Know your rights when stopped by police

Most people don’t know how to handle themselves. They know they have constitutional rights, but they also know that they can get into trouble by disobeying a police officer. → Read More

When Our Rights Become Crimes

In four little panels Steve Kelley punctures the government’s bizarre claims about its powers and our rights. Although many false arrests are exposed in court, that’s cold comfort when you’re getting handcuffed and realize you’ll be locked up a while. Here’s a fairly recent example of such a false arrest caught on tape: For related Cato work, go here and here. H/T: Jacob Sullum at Hit & Run. → Read More

4/20, John Oliver, and Marijuana Reform

States should be able to opt out of the war on marijuana. → Read More

To Reform Indigent Defense, Bring the Market In

Letting indigent defendants choose their lawyers should be adopted more widely. → Read More

Sessions to Review Federal Monitoring of Local Police Agencies

Over the long run, local mayors and city councils must be make a sustained commitment to proper oversight of police. It is unrealistic to expect the Attorney General or a federal monitor to do their jobs. → Read More

Our Right to Trial by Jury Is under Attack, the Supreme Court Can Affirm and Protect It

The Constitution is supposed to guarantee the right to trial by jury. We will soon see whether the Supreme Court will come to the defense of that guarantee. → Read More

NYT Report on Paramilitary Drug Raids

A New York Times report engages with the many issues surrounding militaristic drug raids. → Read More

Let Indigent Defendants Choose Their Own Lawyers

Policymakers should forget about the popularity of the task that needs doing. Just do it. → Read More

There Is No War on Cops

A new book from a prominent right-wing commentator fails to make the case. → Read More

The Presumption of Innocence and 'Making a Murderer'

Most folks have no idea how lopsided the American criminal justice system has become. → Read More

Americans are bargaining away their innocence

Criminal courts are dominated by plea deals, and it's destroying our justice system. → Read More

Americans Are Bargaining Away Their Innocence

A re-examination of plea-bargaining practices is long overdue. → Read More

Police Misconduct

The National Police Misconduct Reporting Project's worst case of the December: The shooting of Andrew Thomas of Paradise, California. → Read More

Today Is Bill of Rights Day

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. → Read More

Police Misconduct

Over at Cato's Police Misconduct web site, we have identified the worst case for the month of November. It involved several officers with the San Antonio Police Department (SAPD). → Read More

"John Doe" Investigations

There is no place for "John Doe" investigations in America. Period. "Reforming" John Doe falls short. → Read More