Kelly Kasulis, Mic

Kelly Kasulis


Korea, Republic of

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  • Unknown
  • Mic
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  • PRI
  • The Boston Globe

Past articles by Kelly:


Can't sleep? Make these 2 small changes to get a better night's rest

Some studies suggest that not sleeping enough is just as damaging to our health as smoking, and that getting less than six hours could lead to medical issues and — even worse — shave years off your life span. "People often say you can sleep when… → Read More

Biden wins election, foreshadowing a more traditional US approach to North Korea

Joseph R. Biden Jr. was elected the 46th president of the United States on Saturday, returning the White House to Democratic Party rule after four years of Trump and likely resurrecting a more traditional U.S. approach to North Korea. Biden’s election marks a serious departure from Trump’s intimate but improvised relationship with North Korean leader … → Read More

End insults against defectors, UN human rights official urges North Korea

A prominent UN human rights official this week condemned recent public insults by a top North Korean official against defectors, amid a mounting propaganda campaign by Pyongyang condemning escapees living in the South. Speaking to NK News over email, Tomás Ojea Quintana, the United Nations special rapporteur on North Korean human rights, urged North Korea to … → Read More

Timeline: What the world can learn from South Korea's COVID-19 response

SEOUL — On the last day of 2019, the World Health Organization’s China Country Office became aware of a new virus that was identified in a small cluster of people in the eastern city of Wuhan, home to roughly 11 million people. Less than two weeks later, Chinese scientists shared the new virus’ genetic sequence → Read More


South Korea's sex doll industry stirs controversy with 'life-size' imports

South Korea's sex toy industry professionals say sex dolls are the answer to increasing loneliness in South Korean society. But critics have pushed back on the law and say these "real dolls" objectify women and lead to more sex crimes — a hot-button topic in the wake of South Korea's #MeToo movement. → Read More


Moon bets his legacy on meeting with Trump

Donald Trump and Moon Jae-in meet Sunday in a summit that could have huge consequences for President Moon. → Read More


Scenes from Seoul unearthed in unpublished collection of Korean war-era photos

Allan Manuel’s never-before-seen photos reveal much about vibrant life on the Korean peninsula in a time of overwhelming death — and when most were certainly suffering. → Read More

Is there a monogamy gene?

POLYGAMY MAY BE a radical idea to many humans, but most other creatures of the earth see no problem in having multiple mates. In only a few species do males stick around long enough to protect and help raise their young — and for years, that rare phenomenon has left scientists puzzled. Now, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have found an interesting genetic clue. Researchers… → Read More

Something to chew on: prehistoric sex roles

As any archeologist or anthropologist can tell you, most of our ancestors’ bodies were not perfectly preserved. They were often burned, buried, or left to decay under the sweltering sun. → Read More

Say ‘cuckoo,’ not ‘bird’? How computer models can help stand-up comics

A Canadian study delves into the mysteries of humor. → Read More


Nagoya is the next big destination for food in Japan

Some of Nagoya's food hits include a grilled eel porridge and pan-fried spaghetti with sausage. → Read More

Study suggests abused children carry trauma in their DNA

Childhood trauma is already known for following us into our adult lives — and even to the grave. Research has shown that children with profound stress are more at risk of developing autoimmune diseases, obesity, mental health disorders, and heart disease. → Read More


In beauty-obsessed South Korea, plus-size models are fighting to be seen

“Here, it’s all about being skinny. It’s not about curves like boobs or butts. It’s just about being thin." → Read More


A guide to India’s color cities, Jaipur and Jodhpur — and what to eat, see and do when you’re there

The pink and blue cities of India offer more than an Instagram opportunity: Their rich histories and delicious delicacies are just part of what make them bucket-list destinations. → Read More

How to do "man-on-the-street" interviews in a foreign country

It might sound obvious, but successfully navigating different cultures and interview customs comes with a learning curve. Reporting trips to India and Japan have driven that lesson home. So, here are three tips on how to get acquainted with a country’s street interview customs — and fast. → Read More


Young people are in denial about how much food they waste, researchers say

Americans are notorious for excessive amounts of food waste, but people ages 18 to 24 are thought to be especially guilty. → Read More


How wildfires, hurricanes and other disasters worsen the racial wealth gap in America

A new study found that white communities in some of the worst-hit areas gain wealth after natural disasters, while communities of color lose out. → Read More


NASA named an asteroid in space after Aretha Franklin

The Queen of Soul is a star among the stars — literally. → Read More


YouTube videos about plastic surgery are likely deceiving millions, study finds

Don't believe everything you hear about those lip fillers or butt implants — especially if you heard it on YouTube. → Read More


NASA just launched a historic mission to touch the sun

NASA's solar probe will fly through space for seven years and at 430,000 miles per hour to learn more about the sun. → Read More