Sarah Barr, JJIE News

Sarah Barr


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Past articles by Sarah:

N.C. Raise the Age Supporters Hope for Change in Law

David Johnson wants the teenagers he works with to know that in North Carolina, 16- and 17-year-olds are charged as adults, not juveniles, a reality he says makes it harder for young people to get access to the programs they need to get on a healthy path. “You’re killing my life before I even get a chance to live it,” he said. He was 16 years old when he faced his first criminal charge in a… → Read More

Report: Communities Must Switch to Local Care, Not Prisons, for Young Offenders

Many policymakers and advocates know they want to close youth prisons, where they say young offenders are often isolated, unsafe and go without the services they need to thrive when they return to their communities. → Read More

Researchers Say Metaphors Can Help Public Better Understand Juvenile Justice

Juvenile justice reform advocates can spread their message further if they carefully guide their audience to an understanding of adolescent development and the justice system, researchers say. → Read More

Future Baltimore Consent Decree Called Chance to Reform Police Interactions With Youth

A scathing Justice Department report on unconstitutional police practices in the city includes a section not often seen in federal findings — a lengthy description of how the department has mistreated youth. → Read More

Child Well-Being a Mixed-Bag in Still-Rocky Economic Climate, Says Casey Report

The 2016 Kids Count Data Book findings point to a need for lawmakers to pay close attention to the needs of children and families — and to make clear their plans for policy improvements, said Patrick McCarthy, president and CEO of The Annie E. Casey Foundation. → Read More

Racial Disparities Persist Even as School Suspensions Decrease, Federal Data Shows

Out-of-school suspensions dropped 20 percent nationally in recent years, but students of color and students with disabilities are still more likely to face harsh discipline than their peers, according to new federal data. → Read More

House, Senate Take Different Paths on Proposed Juvenile Justice Funding

Reformers are dismayed by a proposed House spending bill that would eliminate funding for several major juvenile justice programs next year. → Read More

South Carolina Close to Raising Age for Juvenile Offenders to 17

This week South Carolina lawmakers approved “raise the age” legislation that would increase the upper age of juvenile jurisdiction from 16 to 17 for most young offenders. All but nine states already consider teenagers juveniles until they turn 18. → Read More

GAO Calls for Reducing Barriers to College for Foster and Homeless Youth

Burdensome paperwork requirements, limited academic preparation and a lack of adult guidance and support make it difficult for foster and homeless youth to pursue higher education, says a new report by the Government Accountability Office. → Read More

Better Collaboration Key to Helping Crossover Youth, Panelists Say

A Senate Judiciary hearing, held this week as part of National Foster Care Month, looked at how jurisdictions across the country are finding ways to help “dual status” or “crossover” youth by sharing information, staff and responsibility for outcomes. → Read More

Campaign Says Juveniles Need Better Access to Quality Legal Counsel

The National Juvenile Defender Center on Monday launched a campaign to improve access to quality legal counsel for juveniles in the lead up to the 50th anniversary of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling. → Read More

Early, Individualized Interventions Key to Reentry Success, Report Says

Former offenders need timely, individualized reentry paths that focus on career development, a new report by ICF International says. Too often, the hundreds of thousands of people returning from prison each year are unable to find employment, a situation compounded by trouble securing housing, health care and transportation — all factors that increase the likelihood of recidivism. → Read More

States Could Not Terminate Medicaid for Juveniles in Custody Under Bill

States would be prohibited from terminating Medicaid coverage for incarcerated juveniles under legislation introduced today in the House and Senate. → Read More

Advocates Still Hopeful for Action on Stalled JJDPA Reauthorization

Juvenile justice reformers still hope to see action this year on key legislation that stalled in the Senate several months ago. → Read More

Report: Communities Can Do More to Support Children with an Incarcerated Parent

Children with an incarcerated parent often suffer emotionally, academically and financially, and too few policies consider their needs, says a new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. → Read More

OJJDP Plans to Help States Eliminate Use of Solitary Confinement for Juveniles

The federal government wants to help states eliminate the use of solitary confinement for juvenile offenders. “Our goal is to eliminate the practice,” said Robert Listenbee, OJJDP administrator. → Read More

Virginia Makes It Easier for Former Felons to Vote

See our continuing coverage of disenfranchisement here. * * * Voting in Virginia just got easier for more than 200,000 people with felony records. Under an executive order signed today, all former felons who have completed their full sentences as of today can immediately re-register to vote, the latest move by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, […] → Read More

Stop Solitary for Kids Aims to Build on State, Federal Momentum

A campaign to end solitary confinement for juveniles launched today, with supporters pledging to build on the momentum of leading-edge jurisdictions that have banned the practice. → Read More

Kansas Overhauls Juvenile Justice System, Emphasizes Community-Based Reinvestment

On Monday, Kansas became the latest state to overhaul its juvenile justice system, with a set of reforms projected to reduce the number of juveniles in custody by more than half and save tens of millions of dollars. → Read More

Collaboration, Sharing Data Key to Helping Dual Status Youth, Experts Say at Symposium

DeAngelo Cortijo remembers the fear he felt as a young boy on the day his mother was lifted unconscious into an ambulance. He thought he would never see her again. → Read More