Benji Jones, Vox

Benji Jones


New York, United States

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Past articles by Benji:


Yes, it’s hot. But this could be one of the coolest summers of the rest of your life.

Heat waves like those in Texas and Europe are likely to get worse on the whole, not better. → Read More


The alarming decline of Earth’s forests, in 4 charts

Deforestation raged ahead again in 2022, even after scores of countries pledged to protect their forests. → Read More


The savage bug-eating plants of New Jersey

The New Jersey pine barrens are filled with bug-eating plants and threatened animals, even though this ecosystem is in one of the nation’s most urban areas. → Read More


The future of Canada’s wildfires, explained by a Canadian fire scientist

The smoke is clearing from New York and other East Coast cities, but Canada’s wildfires are set to get worse. → Read More


Why is eastern Canada on fire — and when will the smoke clear?

An unusual fire season in Quebec is sending smoke to New York, Boston, and other US cities. Climate change could make extreme events like this more common. → Read More


Finally, a solution to plastic pollution that’s not just recycling

Countries are negotiating a new global treaty to drastically reduce the plastic waste that has been poisoning the world. → Read More


In defense of flies. Yes, really.

From "fluffy flying narwhals" to maggots that snorkel in trash, welcome to the wonderfully bizarre world of flies. → Read More


Why the new Colorado River agreement is a big deal — even if you don’t live out West

The Colorado River is drying up. California, Arizona, and Nevada have finally agreed on a plan to help save it. → Read More


Marine “sanctuaries” are meant to protect ocean life. Many of them don’t.

Even areas designated to conserve marine ecosystems allow for bottom trawling and other harmful activities. → Read More


A giant patch of seaweed is growing to record sizes in the Atlantic. Sorry, Florida.

A large expanse of Sargassum algae has been growing in the Atlantic Ocean. It can dirty beaches and harm coastal communities — but it’s also an ecological wonder. → Read More


A frightening virus is killing a massive number of wild birds

Avian influenza has destroyed flocks of poultry, but it also threatens wild birds including California condors. → Read More


The most mysterious forests on Earth are underwater

Kelp forests are majestic, life-sustaining ecosystems. Climate change imperils them. → Read More


These adorable tiny owls are thriving in the most unlikely place

Plot twist: Humans have accidentally helped save some animals, for once. → Read More


Colorado River states brace for the biggest water cuts ever

Despite a very wet winter, Western states will have to severely cut water consumption. → Read More


The largest habitat on Earth is finally getting protection

A new global treaty to conserve the high seas is a giant win for the ocean and its most dazzling creatures. → Read More


These 8 species depend on the Colorado River. What happens as it dries up?

As the river shrinks, there’s less water for farms and cities but also for birds, fish, and other animals in the basin. → Read More


You — yes, you — are going to pay for the century-old mistake that’s draining the Colorado River

A huge amount of US food is grown in the desert using water from a river that’s drying up. → Read More


Will East Palestine ever feel safe?

It’s completely reasonable to feel unsafe after the derailment, despite being told the air and water are clean. → Read More


Yes, the Ohio train wreck is an environmental disaster. No, it’s not Chernobyl.

The train wreck spilled chemicals into the environment like vinyl chloride. Here’s what that means for human health. → Read More


Palm oil is actually not that bad (anymore)

Palm oil once destroyed orangutan-filled rainforests in Southeast Asia. Now, the industry is cleaning up its act. → Read More