Thomas C. Mountain,

Thomas C. Mountain

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Past articles by Thomas:

African Union; The Dream Vs. Reality| Countercurrents

The predecessor of todays African Union, the Organization for African Unity, OAU, was launched in 1963 with the glorious goal of uniting Africans to help → Read More

Preventing Climate Disaster In Africa; Eritrea Leads The Way| Countercurrents

As what is mainly a western caused climate disaster continues to hammer Africa, with tens of millions facing famine and starvation in the Horn of Africa, the → Read More

USA Loses Ethiopia; Biggest Strategic Blunder Since Loss Of Iran| Countercurrents

With the failure of the US backed TPLF Terrorist coup attempt against the democratically elected government of Ethiopia the USA is facing it’s greatest → Read More

Africa’s Role Model; Eritrea’s 30 Years of Independence

Africa’s role model, Eritrea, located on the Red Sea will mark 30 years of independence this coming Monday, May 24. When a rag tag band of afro coiffed Eritrean rebels drove captured Ethiopian tanks into the streets of our capital Asmara thirty years ago it marked the first successful armed struggle for national liberation on the continent. Others had fought[Read More...] → Read More

African Human Rights Vs. Western Human Rights

If you ask those of us living in the Africa, almost all of us will tell you that the “human rights” that matter most are those that are basic to the right to life; food, water, shelter, medical care and education for your children. If you and you family are cold, hungry, sick and illiterate do you think “freedom of[Read More...] → Read More

Digging Own Grave: The End Days of Ethiopia’s TPLF

Previously in power for almost three decades, the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) of Ethiopia finally is approaching their end days and as we say here in the Horn of Africa, “they are digging their own grave”. The TPLF has been Africa’s, if not the world’s, most corrupt, brutal, genocidal regime for the past 30 years. Removed from national power[Read More...] → Read More

The Gangster Head of the WHO – Countercurrents

The head of the World Health Organization, Dr Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, was a senior capo for the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) gangster mafia that ruled Ethiopia from 1991-2018. During that time he served as Health Minister and Foreign Minister, cementing his credentials as a member of the inner circle of what was one of if not the most corrupt,[Read More...] → Read More

A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan – Countercurrents

With the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan winding down its time to take a brief but comprehensive look at the origins and history of this most secret of Pax Americana crimes in Africa. It is in the national interests of the USA to deprive China of access to African energy resources, with the Sudanese oil fields being the only[Read More...] → Read More

Africans Solving African Problems; Bringing Peace to Sudan – Countercurrents

The recent peace deal being implemented in Sudan was brokered by African leaders without any interference or even input by non African players ie the UN or western countries. As a matter of fact the deal was made in Asmara, Eritrea where the head of the Sudanese military that had overthrown the long time despot Omar Al Bashir sat down[Read More...] → Read More

Why the USA is NOT About to Attack Iran – Countercurrents

Dr. Mirandi, Professor Extraordinaire of Iran, said it best when asked on Al Jazeera if the USA was going to attack Iran. He stated something so obvious that you would think western journalists would have already come to this realization, that “as long as the USA is sending its military to the Persian Gulf they are not about to attack[Read More...] → Read More

Separating Real From Fake Socialism – Countercurrents

How do you define socialism, especially when it comes to having a “socialist”, Bernie Sanders, one of the most popular candidates to be the next president of the USA? Or the next Prime Minister of Spain a “Socialist”? To start with, real socialism means that the government, representing all the people, owns all the land. Land cannot be bought or[Read More...] → Read More

Have Eritrea’s Afars Lost Their Sailing Heritage? – Countercurrents

It seems that Eritrea’s Afar people have lost their sailing heritage, falling victim to the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels. Living along the southern Red Sea coast of Africa, the Afars were made famous by the finding of the earliest human remains in the Afar Desert (once the Sea of Afar, and a Sea again one day due to[Read More...] → Read More

USA Continues Economic Sabotage of Eritrea – Countercurrents

On February 28, 2019 the last financial wire transactions between the small socialist country of Eritrea and all the western countries were stopped with no further wire transfers in USD$ or Euros to or from Eritrea being allowed . UNjust and illegal UN sanctions against Eritrea were lifted recently but the damage being done continues. During the 9 year long[Read More...] → Read More

President Issias Aferwerki Vs. Al Jazeera; February 2010 – Countercurrents

This transcript is from an interview done by Eritrean President Issias Aferwerki and Al Jazeera “journalist” Jane Dutton in February 2010, shortly after the UNSC passed punitive sanctions against E… → Read More

The Great Red Sea Tsunami and the Disappearence of an Ancient African City – Countercurrents

One day in the 7th Century AD a great earthquake in the Red Sea rocked the sea bed and created a tsunami so powerful that it travelled over six kilometers inland and completely wiped off from the f… → Read More

The Dangers of Amhara Chauvinism in Today’s Ethiopia; The End of the Abyssinian Empire – Countercurrents

The Amhara people of Ethiopia built the Abyssinian Empire with firearms from Italy in the late 19th century, and in doing so adopted a uniquely African brand of ethnic chauvinism. Anyone familiar w… → Read More

Criminals on the International Criminal Court – Countercurrents

When US National Security Advisor John “The Walrus” Bolton threatened the International Criminal Court with US Sanctions many of us here in Africa cheered, long having given up hope that the ICC wo… → Read More

Oromo Freedom Fighters in Addis Ababa Hail Eritrean President Issias Aferwerki – Countercurrents

This past weekend over 1,500 Oromo freedom fighters made a triumphant return to Addis Ababa from many decades of exile in Eritrea to a jubiulant rally of over 100,000 where a giant photo of Eritrea… → Read More

Can the Ethiopian/Eritrean Alliance Bring Peace To South Sudan? – Countercurrents

All roads to peace in the Horn of Africa seem to run through the Eritrean capital of Asmara these days, with the latest peace initiative allying Ethiopia and Eritrea looking like it will be bringin… → Read More

Djibouti Faces Dark Days to Come; Eritrean Ports, Pipeline Threaten Ethiopian Trade Lifeline – Countercurrents

Djibouti has been landlocked Ethiopia’s only access to the sea and depends of port taxes paid by Ethiopia for most of its income and with the Eritrean ports of Massawa and Assab on the Red Sea abou… → Read More