Will Drabold, Mic

Will Drabold


Athens Township, OH, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Mic
  • TIME.com
  • Business Insider
  • The Columbus Dispatch
  • The Seattle Times

Past articles by Will:


Trump targets China for stealing American inventions, foreshadowing possible trade war

Trump is expected to announce tariffs on $60 billion of Chinese goods, about 10% all of goods China sent to the United States in 2017. → Read More


What to know ahead of the more than 800 March for Our Lives demonstrations on Saturday

The teenagers are coming. → Read More


Facebook faces calls for investigation, regulation after latest Cambridge Analytica bombshell

The key question is whether Facebook can weather the most severe criticism in the history of the company or face investigation and regulation from Washington. → Read More


Republicans urge Trump not to fire Robert Mueller, but don’t support bills to protect him

"I don't think the House can do a lot" if Trump fires Mueller, one top Republican said. → Read More


A wave of departures and firings are reportedly imminent at the White House

Chief of Staff John Kelly is the latest top Trump official who may resign or be fired. → Read More


What Conor Lamb’s victory in Trump country means for Democrats in 2018

Donald Trump won 110 House districts by a smaller margin than the district Conor Lamb won in Pennsylvania. → Read More


What to know about the thousands of high school walkouts happening nationwide

Hundreds of thousands of students are expected to demand Congress pass new gun laws a month after the Parkland, Florida, shooting. → Read More


Trump is known for creating commissions he doesn’t listen to. Will school safety be different?

Other high-profile groups created by Trump have failed to trigger major policy changes. → Read More


The government is on the verge of shutting down, again — here’s why

Congress faces yet another self-imposed deadline, this time on March 23. → Read More


How Donald Trump’s tariffs may impact you and US workers

You may not immediately see a dramatic jump in the cost of canned goods or cars. But what comes next has economists worried. → Read More


Following West Virginia’s lead, teachers in 3 more states may strike

Teachers across the U.S. are set to follow the lead of West Virginians after what amounted to one of the largest and most successful strikes in recent U.S. history. → Read More


6 key takeaways from the results of the Texas primary elections

Progressives notched a key win. Democrats surged, but Republicans set a record. Dozens of women advanced. → Read More


4 questions the Texas primary elections may begin to answer

The future of U.S. politics will begin to take shape as ballots are cast Tuesday. → Read More


Guns are not on Washington’s agenda. Can protests and corporations force Congress to act?

The next few weeks will test whether a wave of grassroots protest and corporate advocacy can force politicians to return to consideration of gun reform → Read More


Hundreds of thousands of high schoolers are expected to participate in walkouts to demand gun reform

1 - 2% of U.S. high schoolers are expected to participate in walkouts on March 14 and April 20. → Read More


Hope Hicks is the 15th high-profile Trump administration departure since the president took office

Hicks is only the most recent. → Read More


How public opinion is swaying corporations to enact an assault weapons ban before politicians

As they did on LGBT rights, corporations are bypassing Congress and leading the way on gun control. → Read More


Many fear the Supreme Court will devastate unions, but unions are not as negative

"It seems to me to be very premature to predict what the concrete political consequences of something like this will be." → Read More


Republicans are beginning to break with the NRA. Is their power on guns slipping?

From Tallahassee to Washington, Republicans have at least signaled a willingness to oppose the NRA on topics like raising the age to buy a gun to 21. → Read More


In states, NRA-backed bills falter as gun control proposals flourish after Florida shooting

12 states in addition to Florida are considering new bills that would restrict gun access. Two states have passed bills that make it more difficult for people to get guns who shouldn't have them. → Read More