Cameron Hilditch, National Review

Cameron Hilditch

National Review

United Kingdom

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Past articles by Cameron:

Ban Critical Race Theory from K–12 Classrooms: A Response to the New York Times

The purpose of introducing critical race theory into K–12 classrooms in the United States is to racialize the fact of rule. → Read More

A Critical Race Theory Reader

This will foster a better understanding of the CRT phenomenon for any interested persons or parties. → Read More

Further Notes on Obama’s Failures

When I wrote that Obama failed as president of the United States, I meant that he failed on his own terms. → Read More

In Defense of Cancel Culture

Our civilization cannot hide behind procedural liberalism when it comes to first principles, and it's folly to pretend we can. → Read More

Peter Hitchens on the Marriage of Marxism and Consumerism

The Lamp magazine reviews Helen Andrews’s book Boomers. → Read More

Why Obama Failed

In a revealing interview, Obama tried to burnish his image for progressive posterity — but he still doesn’t understand his fundamental errors. → Read More

American Community Life through the Years

The American Enterprise Institute released a report by Lyman Stone last month on the replacement of American community life. Anyone interested in the country’s standing reserve of social capital (or lack thereof) would benefit from reading it. → Read More

Why Europe’s ‘Super League’ Crashed and Burned

The economics of symbolism are at the heart of what went wrong. → Read More

It’s the Culture, Stupid

This alliance between identitarian progressives and big business cuts across the ideological dividing lines that were established during the Cold War. → Read More

The Coming War on ‘Cognitive Meritocracy’

Whether you come at the issue of cognitive meritocracy from the right or the left, it’s bound to be one of the defining debates of this century. → Read More

A Cynical Ploy in the Cancel-Culture Wars

Each and every human society has certain taboos and shibboleths that its members must not violate if they want to remain in good standing with their fellows. → Read More

Leave Dolly Alone

Dolly Parton chooses to keep her public image almost entirely apolitical, which is strictly verboten by the canons of progressive political piety. → Read More

Shelby Foote on the Civil War

Shelby Foote was the author of a magisterial three-volume history of the Civil War, which is in itself one of the treasures of American civilization. → Read More

Never Say Never Again

Putting an end to the Holocaust meant the waging of the bloodiest war in human history and the sacrifice of mothers’ sons unnumbered. → Read More

Everyone Should Support Mitt Romney’s Child-Poverty Plan

Mitt Romney's plan would relieve the administrative burden on poor families trying to take advantage of the welfare assistance that taxpayers provide. → Read More

Christianity as Ideology: The Cautionary Tale of the Jericho March

We should pray that the dangerous mindset of this ‘stop the steal’ gathering remains marginal on the right. → Read More

Eton College’s Thought Police Have Won — For Now

This incident has been a case study of how the woke tidal wave washing over the modern world goes about destroying the lives of individuals. → Read More

Why American Children Stopped Believing in God

The story of religious decline in America is not the story of adults consciously rejecting the faith of their forefathers: It’s the story of each generation receiving a more secular upbringing than the generation preceding it. What accounts for this secularization of childhood over time? Taxpayer dollars. → Read More

Christianity Confronts the Caste System in India

The ascendency of Christianity demolished the cosmic hierarchies of the classical Roman world, with which the caste system has its basic features in common. → Read More

Reflections on the Life of Walter Hooper, the Man Who Brought You C. S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis’s former secretary Walter Hooper died this week at the age of 89. → Read More