Kurt Eichenwald, Everyday Health

Kurt Eichenwald

Everyday Health

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  • Unknown
  • Everyday Health
  • The Outline
  • Vanity Fair

Past articles by News Hound:

What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Epilepsy: It Can Kill You

Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is likely the most frequent cause of epilepsy-related death, but many patients and their families have never heard of it, because their doctors don’t tell them. Writer Kurt Eichenwald demands that that change. → Read More

Police + Ignorance + Epilepsy = A Deadly Combination

Too often, untrained police officers arrest, harm, or even kill people with epilepsy during or after seizures, because they don’t understand what’s causing their behavior. But training is available to police departments from the Epilepsy Foundation. → Read More

The Near-Universal Loneliness of Living With Epilepsy

If you have epilepsy, you almost certainly know what it’s like to feel misunderstood, disbelieved, ridiculed, and even shunned socially. The fear of these reactions keeps many people with epilepsy silent, but silence ensures they will continue. → Read More

What to Do and What Not to Do If You Witness a Seizure

Widely held false beliefs about how to help someone having an epileptic seizure can cause more damage than the seizure itself. For starters, there’s no need to place a spoon in someone’s mouth, and there’s no reason to hold them down. → Read More

I’m Mad as Hell, and I’m Not Going to Stay Silent About Epilepsy Anymore

Epilepsy is life-threatening. But the stigma associated with having epilepsy is so great that most of the 3.4 million Americans affected by it refuse to acknowledge it. Writer Kurt Eichenwald is ready to bring this disease out of the shadows. → Read More

Kurt Eichenwald says he was just trying to show his wife some tentacle porn

But he can’t stop explaining himself. → Read More

30 Years of Conservative Nonsense, An Explainer

If those calls to close the borders over Ebola are giving you déjà vu, you might not be wrong. → Read More

How Ann Coulter and Conservative Pundits Are Missing the Point of #BringBackOurGirls

Kurt Eichenwald on the unnecessary outrage from pundits over the call-to-action hashtag to save hundreds of kidnapped Nigerian girls. → Read More

How Obama Derangement Led Conservatives to Laugh about Child Slavery

Kurt Eichenwald on the unnecessary outrage from pundits over the call-to-action hashtag to save hundreds of kidnapped Nigerian girls. → Read More

Apple’s Victory over Samsung Isn’t as Big as it Seems

The legal battle between the smartphone giants may have gone in Apple’s favor, but not by much. → Read More

The Great Smartphone War: Apple vs. Samsung

Kurt Eichenwald explores the Korean company’s record of patent infringement and explains why Apple might win the battles but still lose the war. → Read More

The Great Smartphone War: Apple vs. Samsung

Kurt Eichenwald explores the Korean company’s record of patent infringement and explains why Apple might win the battles but still lose the war. → Read More

What Does It Really Mean When Politicians and Pundits Cry “Nazi”?

How the cowardly and the comfortable demean the murder of millions to make themselves feel important. → Read More

The Logic Problems That Will Eventually Pop the Bitcoin Bubble

Bitcoins aren’t currency—they are an investment. And here’s why that’s a problem. → Read More

The Failed Logic of Secular Arguments Against Gay Marriage

From world affairs to entertainment, business to fashion, crime to society, Vanity Fair is a cultural catalyst that drives the popular dialogue globally. → Read More

How Microsoft Lost Its Mojo: Steve Ballmer and Corporate America’s Most Spectacular Decline

Since 2000, Microsoft has lost its lead—and its mojo. With the tech giant’s future in question, Kurt Eichenwald computes how bad C.E.O. Steve Ballmer has been for business. → Read More