Joel Gillin, The New Republic

Joel Gillin

The New Republic


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  • The New Republic

Past articles by Joel:

After New Nigerian War Crimes Allegations, U.S. Should Think Twice About Deeper Military Ties

Perhaps the U.S. should proceed with caution in the wake of the new Amnesty International report. → Read More

Benghazi Won't Stick to Hillary Clinton, But the Disastrous Libyan Intervention Should

She neglected diplomatic options and over-hyped fears of civilian deaths. → Read More

Benghazi Won't Stick to Hillary Clinton, But the Disastrous Libyan Intervention Should

She neglected diplomatic options and over-hyped fears of civilian deaths. → Read More

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Get Hired

It's about humanizing people with criminal records. → Read More

How Social Scientists Try—and Sometimes Fail—to Predict Riots

Most Americans think we'll see more Baltimore-style unrest this summer. Are they right? → Read More

Let's Be Clear About What the Armenian Genocide Was—and Wasn't

Yes, it was a genocide. No, it was not caused by a holy war. → Read More

The Cuban Thaw Is Obama's Finest Foreign Policy Achievement to Date

Unlike so many of the challenges in the Middle East and Asia, Cuba was a low-hanging fruit that needed to be plucked. → Read More

Cubans Are More Satisfied With Their Political System Than Americans Are

52 percent of Cubans are dissatisfied with their political system, compared to 65 percent of Americans. → Read More

The DEA's Sex Parties in Colombia Are Bad, But Recent Allegations Are Far Worse

The Army is just now probing sexual assault allegations more than a decade old. → Read More

Ferguson Court Clerk: Being Fired for Racist Emails Was Like "Being Raped"

"It took me awhile to get over the feeling of being raped and being thrown under that bus," she said. → Read More

The Yemen Conflict Isn't a Sectarian War—Yet

Framing the conflict as Sunni vs. Shia oversimplifies the complex political landscape within Yemen. More importantly, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. → Read More

Germanwings Wasn't the First Mass-Murder Plane Crash. Here's What Investigators Learned About the Others.

Don't leave pilots alone in the cockpit. → Read More

US Should Arm the Kurds Fighting ISIS

With the U.S. set to train thousands of Syrian rebels, the Kurds continue their calls for aid. → Read More

Report: Rebuilding Gaza "Could Take More Than 100 Years"

Oxfam blames the Israeli blockade and donors' broken promises. → Read More

Why Is the Wall Street Journal Dismissing Colombia's War Crimes?

The military has been murdering civilians and dressing them up as guerrillas. → Read More

Venezuela's Unpopular President Just Threw a Mayor in Jail

Now the mayor of Caracas has been arrested and charged for an alleged U.S. coup of Venezuela. What exactly is President Maduro thinking? → Read More

Libya Is Yet Another Reason to Be Wary of Humanitarian Interventions

Like in Iraq, intervention in Libya preceded the presence Al Qaeda and ISIS. → Read More

Obama Isn't Ready to Give Up His Broad War Powers

His new war authorization against ISIS is too open-ended. → Read More

This Is What Happens When the U.S. Arms Unstable Regimes

Where are all the weapons we gave Yemen? → Read More

Pope Francis Just Declared This Murdered Archbishop a Martyr. Reaganites Should Be Embarrassed.

The man responsible for his death was a Cold War ally. → Read More