Igor Volsky, The Hill

Igor Volsky

The Hill

Washington, DC, United States

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  • Unknown
  • The Hill
  • CNN
  • CAP Action
  • The Advocate
  • ThinkProgress

Past articles by Igor:

Is ‘defund the IRS’ the new ObamaCare repeal?

We must ensure that Republicans don’t run the ACA playbook against the IRS. → Read More


Unlike US, New Zealand isn't just offering thoughts and prayers

American lawmakers should follow the example of the Prime Minister of New Zealand, who promised to build a future with fewer guns in the wake of last week's deadly shootings, write Igor Volsky and Joseph Sakran → Read More

I fled Soviet anti-Semitism: We need to fix lax gun laws as well as hate and bigotry

Igor Volsky says our society simply cannot continue to allow virtually unfettered access to guns. → Read More

The State of the Resistance

How the new anti-Trump Resistance is winning. → Read More

On Gun Violence: Marches Aren’t the Problem

Gun control advocates Igor Volsky and Mark Glaze say a march against the president's policies is certainly appropriate during this year's Pride celebrations. → Read More

Don't Take Your Eyes Off the Issue of Our Time – Gun Control

Amid the chaos of this administration, more guns are getting into the wrong hands. We're often the target. → Read More

No, Joe Biden Didn’t Say That The Senate Should Block Supreme Court Nominees During An Election Year

"Therefore I stand by my position, Mr. President, if the President [George H.W. Bush] consults and cooperates with the Senate or moderates his selections absent consultation, then his nominees may enjoy my support as did Justices Kennedy and Souter," Biden said. → Read More

Your Comprehensive Guide To Islamophobia In The 2016 Presidential Election

Republicans continue to back policies that would discriminate against Muslim immigrants and refugees and could have the effect of intimidating the American Muslim community. → Read More

University President Urges Students To Carry Guns And ‘End Those Muslims’

“I’ve always thought that if more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walked in and killed them," he said. → Read More

How Terrorist Sympathizers Exploit America’s Gun Laws

Why terrorism is a guns issue. → Read More

Lawmakers Offer ‘Prayers’ For Mass Shooting Victims, Receive Large Checks From The NRA

They got thousands of dollars from the NRA, so all they can do is pray. → Read More

10 Falsehoods That Netanyahu Told During His Appearance At CAP

In a wide-ranging forum, the hawkish prime minister invoked several of his favorite claims about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. → Read More

When It Comes To Family Leave, Not Everyone Is As Lucky As Paul Ryan

We're not all Paul Ryan. This federal employee had to save up 7 years of vacation to have a baby. → Read More

A Hotline That Could Prevent The Next Mass Shooting

This simple approach could help thousands. → Read More

Hillary’s Day Of Mansplaining: Benghazi Edition

This is really something. → Read More

How Long Does It Take John Kasich To Tout His NRA Rating After Learning About A School Shooting?

Ohio governor and GOP presidential candidate John Kasich wasted no time touting his A rating from the National Rifle Association, mere seconds after learning about a school shooting in Oregon that left at least nine people dead on Thursday. Following the tragedy, President Obama promised to take on the gun lobby and push for more gun regulations. → Read More

4 Things John Boehner Did As Speaker That Make Us Cry

"I believe my number one responsibility is to restore the institution of the United States House of Representatives," John Boehner in 2011. → Read More

The Biblical Case For Fighting Climate Change

How Pope Francis is leading the way. → Read More

Have A Slice Of Jeb Bush’s Not-So-Delicious Tax Cut Pie

We baked an apple pie to help explain Jeb Bush's tax cut plan. → Read More

Father Of Slain Journalist Publicly Shames Lawmakers For Opposing Sensible Gun Reforms

His daughter was killed in a gruesome on-air shooting in Virginia. Now, he's devoting his life to stopping gun violence. → Read More