Mong Palatino, Global Voices

Mong Palatino

Global Voices


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  • Unknown
  • Global Voices
  • The Iranian
  • Asian Correspondent

Past articles by Mong:

Activists decry shrinking freedom of expression in the Philippines ·

“We note that Ferdinand Marcos Jr. vowed to protect journalists and we challenge this administration to denounce media killings, and translate his promise into concrete actions.” → Read More

For acclaimed journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, winning a Nobel Peace Prize offers no protection · Global Voices Advox

For Filipino journalist Maria Ressa and Russian editor Dmitry Muratov, winning the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize has not provided protection from their attackers and state threats as they continue their investigations. → Read More

Malaysians worry over reported plan to sell contact tracing app to a private firm ·

"Everyone was so worried about contact tracing when we should have been worried about CONTRACT tracing." → Read More

Myanmar rappers express rage and resistance against the military regime · Global Voices Advox

"Myanmar hip hop will never be silenced. We come together, not because we are the same but because we are united as one." → Read More

Cambodia’s China-funded mega dam linked to rights abuses and loss of fisheries ·

"Today, everything the dammed-up rivers provided – food, water, an income from fishing – is gone." → Read More

‘Maohi Lives Matter’: Tahiti protesters condemn French nuclear testing legacy ·

"According to our calculations, based on a scientific reassessment of the doses received, approximately 110,000 people were infected, almost the entire Polynesian population at the time." → Read More

LIVE on April 22—Myanmar: Coup & civil disobedience ·

The session will be live-streamed on Facebook Live, YouTube, and Twitch. → Read More

Myanmar citizens continue strong opposition to military junta with ‘22222’ general strike ·

"If we oppose the dictatorship, they might shoot us. But we have to oppose dictatorship. It’s our duty. That’s why so many people are coming out today against them." → Read More

Myanmar introduces ‘draconian’ cyber security bill amid growing anti-coup protests · Global Voices Advox

'It can be expected that the true aim of the bill is to repress freedom of expression online and ban social networks.' → Read More

What happened in Myanmar on the first day of the coup ·

"People are disheartened by the news and mostly sharing information about each other’s whereabouts and safety measures. We have all seen this coming but it’s surreal when it actually happens." → Read More

Short videos by young Cambodians promote fight against COVID-19 disinformation ·

The videos discuss the role of young internet users in combatting disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic. → Read More

Solomon Islands bans Facebook for ‘harmful content’ · Global Voices Advocacy

"Do not go into public life and make laws and decisions for your own good or for your own protection as is seen with the banning of Facebook." → Read More

Malaysian students face sedition probe over Facebook post urging the king not to interfere in politics · Global Voices Advocacy

"Academic scholarship and promotion of human rights cannot flourish in an atmosphere of censorship and disproportionate restriction of speech and expression." → Read More

What election observers are saying about Myanmar’s election ·

Observers acknowledged the “success” of the election while noting reforms that still need to be enacted to make the voting process more credible and inclusive in the future. → Read More

Myanmar NGO launches tool for voters to compare human rights programs of parties competing in election · Global Voices Advocacy

"Our aim is to give the electorate complete information about the political parties’ human rights promises – or lack of promises – so that voters can make a fully informed decision." → Read More

More than one million voters in Myanmar disenfranchised after government cancels elections in conflict areas ·

"There are suspicions over whether the government is trying to reduce ethnic parties’ power." → Read More

Fighting disinformation and fact-checking the Myanmar election · Global Voices Advocacy

Global Voices interviewed Thet Min, fact-checker for ‘Real or not’ fact-checking news website, about their efforts to expose and stop disinformation in Myanmar ahead of the November 8 elections. → Read More

Vietnamese activist and journalist Pham Doan Trang arrested for ‘anti-state propaganda’ · Global Voices Advocacy

"I don’t need freedom just for myself, that would be too easy. I want something much greater: freedom and democracy for all of Vietnam." → Read More

News website faces police probe in Singapore for boosting Facebook posts during elections · Global Voices Advocacy

"We condemn the abuse of the law to harass independent media and critics. We denounce the lack of independence of the Singapore Elections Department." → Read More

News website faces police probe in Singapore for boosting Facebook posts during elections ·

"We condemn the abuse of the law to harass independent media and critics. We denounce the lack of independence of the Singapore Elections Department." → Read More