Joe Perticone, The Bulwark

Joe Perticone

The Bulwark

Washington, DC, United States

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Past articles by Joseph:

George Santos’s Problems Are Just Getting Started

It’s not a lie if you believe it? → Read More

Ronna Romney McDaniel Might Be in Trouble

The RNC isn’t reversing course after the midterms—it’s going further to the right. → Read More

Two January 6th Participants Elected to Congress

One helped organize Donald Trump’s rally that marched to the Capitol. The other attended the rally and marched. → Read More

Orrin Hatch, longtime Utah Republican senator, dies at 88

Hatch's Senate career spanned more than four decades, overseeing a long list of accomplishments. → Read More

Michael Bennet is running for president in 2020. Here's everything we know about the candidate and how he stacks up against the competition.

The Colorado senator became the 22nd Democrat to jump in the 2020 race for president. → Read More

Here are the winners and losers of Tuesday's feisty Democratic presidential debate

Democratic presidential candidates took the stage in the latest round of primary debates Tuesday night, where struggling campaigns attempted to capitalise on potential breakout moments, while others tried to hold on to top tier status in a massively competitive field. → Read More

Here are all the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates who have qualified for the September primary debates

The next round of debates have much more strict criteria for candidates looking to secure a spot on stage. As a result, the field could thin out fast. → Read More

Trump says 'we have bigger problems than plastic straws'

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump weighed in on the hotly contested debate over plastic straws being replaced with paper ones through local ordinances or changes in business practices. → Read More

Marianne Williamson photoshopped herself into a Vogue photoshoot of female presidential candidates that she was left out of

Scott Olson/Getty Images A photoshoot for a Vogue magazine profile of the Democratic women running for president left out author and self-help guru Marianne Williamson . Williamson posted memes to her Instagram page with her face photoshopped into the background. Compared to other Democrats in the race, Williamson has out-fundraised many, including governors and members of Congress. Visit… → Read More

Joe Biden bragged about a harsh 1992 crime bill that did 'everything but hang people for jaywalking'

In 1992, then-Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware boasted his crime bill would pursue the death penalty for dozens of offenses. → Read More

Trump hits back at reports questioning significance of Mexico deal

Trump also noted that if necessary, he could snap back and levy tariffs on Mexico over the issue of border security. → Read More

Democratic candidates are close behind Joe Biden in a new Iowa poll

Biden also faces a considerable enthusiasm gap compared to other candidates in the large Democratic field. → Read More

Some US embassies are still flying LGBTQ pride flags despite Trump administration advisory against it

Several embassies also honored pride month and other LGBTQ celebrations in other ways, including lights and statements. → Read More

Chris Christie says Trump's staff 'served him poorly' for booking Fox News interview in-front of graveyard on D-Day

"I'd argue that when Sarah Sanders, or whoever made those decisions to put him in those positions — put him there, they ill-served him," Christie said. → Read More

The Mueller probe is over, but here are 6 active congressional investigations into Trump

President Donald Trump might be done with the special counsel investigation after two years of probes into his administration, inner circle, and 2016 presidential campaign. But Trump is still facing a host of investigations in Congress. → Read More

Top progressive Democrat in Congress says Ilhan Omar 'knows she has to be careful about what she says' after violent threats, Republican scrutiny

"And I know that there’s also a lot of scrutiny on her that is not on other people." → Read More

The House passed a bill banning the government from creating 'free' tax preparation software like TurboTax, forever

Many of the bill's supporters have benefitted from campaign donations from for-profit tax preparation companies. → Read More

A 'near-systematic purge' is happening at the Department of Homeland Security as Secret Service director is reportedly ousted

This marks the second departure of a top official at the Department of Homeland Security in fewer than 24 hours. → Read More

Senate Republicans just approved a rule change that will allow Trump and McConnell to dramatically reshape the courts

Only two Republicans voted against the rule change. → Read More

If Joe Biden’s long-rumored presidential run crashes and burns, here’s who his supporters would flock to

The former vice president has yet to announce his candidacy, but his supporters tend to favor several other Democratic contenders. → Read More