Chris Beam, The New Republic

Chris Beam

The New Republic

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  • The New Republic

Past articles by Chris:

Japan's Deaf Composer Wasn't What He Seemed

Mamoru Samuragochi’s story hit all the right notes: a deaf genius whose music inspired a nation. But the “Japanese Beethoven” wasn’t who he seemed. → Read More

Hong Kong's Own Reddit Is Doing the Protesters' Dirty Work—Sometimes too Dirty

Are the "Golden brothers" folk hereos or sexist bullies? → Read More

Hong Kong Protests: Meet the Holdouts Who Aren't Giving Up

"It is my responsibility, like the Batman. We are all heroes." → Read More

Rumors Are Spreading Like Fire Through Hong Kong's Protests

Meet the journalists trying to separate truth from falsehood. → Read More

Occupy Hong Kong's Disorganization Might Kill the Movement

When does a freewheeling protest tip into utopian anarchism? → Read More

Hong Kong Protests Are Rife With Anti-Mainland Sentiment

"We’ve tried the whole ‘We’re all Chinese people’ thing. It’s not working.” → Read More

6 Ways the Protests in Hong Kong Could Play Out

The protesters and the government are both digging in. Here's what could happen next. → Read More

Hong Kong Has Split Into Two Worlds

Behind the barricades, everyone knows each other and works together. → Read More

Latest Phase of the Stephon Marbury Rebirth: A Chinese Stage Musical

“You leave America, then you go someplace else, you begin to create something totally different.”  → Read More

Virgos Need Not Apply

The surprising—and sometimes scary—prominence of astrology in China. → Read More

China's Millennial Literary Rivals Are Now Battling at the Box Office Too

Meet the two men fighting for the ears of China's youth. → Read More

Meet China's Tony Robbins

The predatory gospel of China's most popular motivational speaker. → Read More

You Might Remember Tiananmen Square. China's Millennials Do Not.

25 years later, has China "brainwashed" its latest generation? → Read More

When 0748 Means “Go Die": The Secret Messages Inside Chinese URLs

URLs like mean a lot more than they appear. → Read More


文化认同危机,当然还有进攻,防守和特勤组。跟随重庆DOCKERS码头工美式橄榄球队一个赛季之所见所闻 → Read More

My Year Inside the American Football League of China

A crisis of cultural identity—not to mention offense, defense, and special teams. → Read More

Chinese Citizens Are Fed Up with Flight 370 Censorship

And they're looking to the West for reliable information. → Read More

Baidu Autofill Reveals the Soul of China's Average Web Surfer

"What do I do if I'm ugly?" and other press questions of the Chinese public. → Read More

China's Biggest Chat App Also Wants to Be a Bank

In one key area, WeChat is out-innovating Facebook. → Read More

I Danced on Chinese Television

I went on Chinese State TV to sing and dance. The makes me and the Chinese government cringe—for different reasons. → Read More