Philip H. DeVoe, National Review

Philip H. DeVoe

National Review

New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Philip:

Connecticut’s Gubernatorial Race Is a Referendum on Failed Democratic Fiscal Policies

While his opponent has been confusing and inconsistent, Republican candidate Bob Stefanowski is prepared to meet the state’s fiscal needs. → Read More

D.C. Restaurant Servers Deserve Better than Initiative 77

There are commonsense ways to address problems in the restaurant business, but D.C.'s proposed Initiative 77 isn’t among them. → Read More

Seattle’s New Employee Tax Will Drive Out Corporations, Not the Homeless

Solving the homelessness problem isn’t really Seattle’s goal. → Read More

‘Guns Down, Paintballs Up’: The Failure of an Inner-City Gun-Control Measure

Replica firearms haven’t been shown to reduce gun violence. They turn out to be another source of terror. → Read More

Vilifying People Who Report Suspicious Behavior Is a Dangerous Game

Colorado State University and the media have handled the 911 suspicious-behavior caller in a dangerously unreasonable way. → Read More

Congressional Hearings Need Aggressive Reform

Congressional hearings, once a valuable legislative tool, have become just another excuse for partisan posturing. They badly need to be reformed. → Read More

Stop Apologizing for Everything

When someone ventures to tell an unpopular truth, the tiresome ritual of the force apology immediately begins. → Read More

Wall Street’s Charging Bull Does Not Represent Oppression

The defiant girl is standing athwart the strength and power of the American people at the behest of a mutual fund with a spotty record of promoting women's rights. → Read More

What Makes James Comey an Expert on Ethical Leadership?

James Comey portrayed himself as an expert on ethical leadership at a Union Square Barnes & Noble talk. → Read More

Bill de Blasio, the Monorail Man

Scant evidence exists to defend the streetcar’s potential, and it suffers not just from failures of implementation but also from failures of concept. → Read More

The Cultural-Appropriation Police Come for Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson’s new film, Isle of Dogs, goes out of its way to treat its Japanese setting and characters with sensitivity and respect. So why are critics crying "cultural appropriation"? → Read More

Superannuated ‘Idol’

The revived version of American Idol is too happy-face and lacks the brutal honesty of the series’ best years. → Read More

Rolling Back Dodd-Frank

Dodd-Frank is a deeply flawed law, and this reform is a good step forward. → Read More

Inside the Schools’ Gun-Control Walkouts

They certainly didn’t offer any evidence that the maturity level of high schoolers has been grossly miscalculated. → Read More

There’s Less than Meets the Eye to Mueller’s Russian-Organized Rallies

The Russian-organized rallies mentioned in Bob Mueller's recent indictment may be evidence of a crime, but they almost certainly didn't swing the White House to Donald Trump. → Read More

Trump Administration NASA ISS ‘Privatization’ Plan Is Good Policy

The Trump administration’s plan to make the International Space Station semi-private is good policy. → Read More

Scott Pruitt's Flying First-Class Was Avoidable, But Not a Scandal

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s decision to fly first- or business-class is hardly a scandal. According to a Politico report, it turns out the decision was his security team’s — not his — and was taken after “he was approached in the airport numerous times, to the point of profanities being yelled at him and so forth.” Politico’s source, EPA Office of Criminal Enforcement director Henry Barnet,… → Read More

Why Remove 'Chief Wahoo'?

Ending an 80-year tradition, the Cleveland Indians have announced that they will remove the “Chief Wahoo” mascot from their uniforms beginning in the 2019 season. While several activist groups have celebrated the move as long overdue, as the mascot has been accused of being offensive to Native Americans, it’s unclear why the ball club made the decision. First, was there any real pressure to… → Read More

Democrats Are Stuck in an Immigration-Maximalist Mode

According to many on the left these days, even a minor reduction in immigration amounts to ethnic cleansing ... → Read More

Since When Has the NFL Banned Political Super Bowl Ads?

According to the NFL, an ad from American Veterans bearing the words “#PleaseStand” isn’t allowed to run in the Super Bowl program because the Super Bowl has “never been a place for advertising that could be considered by some as a political statement.” Uh, what Super Bowls have I been watching? Lately, more and more ads have been carrying statements that more than some would consider political.… → Read More