Phelim Kine, Asia Times

Phelim Kine

Asia Times

San Francisco, CA, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Asia Times
  • Human Rights Watch

Past articles by Phelim:

India’s industrial decarbonization disconnect

India’s government has a pointed response to growing international momentum toward decarbonization of the global heavy industry sector: It’s not our → Read More

Indonesian bill an environmental, economic disaster

Indonesia’s parliament is poised to pass a massive “omnibus bill” stimulus package by early October to help offset the economic damage incurred by the → Read More

Myanmar’s integrity test in an international court

The clock is ticking down to a May 23 deadline for Myanmar’s government to provide demonstrable evidence that it has taken substantive action in the first → Read More

India’s health workers deserve support, not stigmatization

A nurse in the city of Kolkata in West Bengal recently learned first-hand the price that Indian health workers are paying for being first responders in → Read More

Myanmar pays rising price for Rohingya crisis

Last week, the government of Myanmar started paying a real price for its failure to provide meaningful accountability for its security forces’ widespread and systematic violence against the country… → Read More

The death of a Chinese whistleblower

The Chinese government has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to deny, censor, and suppress any issues it deems politically ‘sensitive,’ regardless of the public health implications → Read More

Philippines’ Duterte Confesses to ‘Drug War’ Slaughter

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte did something extraordinary this week: He confessed. During a speech on September 27, Duterte admitted culpability for extrajudicial killings: “What is my sin? Did I steal even one peso? Did I prosecute somebody who I ordered jailed? My sin is extrajudicial killings.” → Read More

Indonesia President’s Belated Call for Tolerance

Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo did something extraordinary in his annual State of the Nation address on Thursday: He issued a plea for tolerance. → Read More

Indonesia’s Papua Media Blacklist

“Why am I now on the Indonesian government blacklist? For how long? For what reason? For going to Papua? This is devastating for me.” → Read More

Jakarta Police ‘Shoot to Kill’ Order May Foster Summary Executions

Officials in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, have authorized police participating in a one-month anti-crime campaign launched this week to use deadly force against criminal suspects who resist arrest. → Read More

Do Indonesia’s Abusive ‘Virginity Tests’ Hurt UN Peacekeeping Operations?

The Indonesian government is seeking “creative ways” to boost the number of women in the police and military so it can meet its objective of more female personnel for United Nations peacekeeping operations. Here’s an idea: Stop inflicting discriminatory “virginity tests” on female applicants to the Indonesian Armed Forces and National Police. → Read More

Philippine School Kids May Face Mandatory Drug Tests

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s murderous “war on drugs” may soon place thousands of primary school children in harm’s way. → Read More

Indonesia Shuts Out UN Rights Chief From Papua

The Indonesian government’s apparent unwillingness to allow Zeid to investigate human rights conditions in Papua should come as no surprise. Indonesian authorities have consistently blocked foreign journalists and rights monitors from visiting Papua. → Read More

Indonesia Backpedals on Accountability for Past Atrocities

The Indonesian government is backing away from commitments to provide accountability for grave past human rights abuses. → Read More

South Korea’s Blind Eye to Philippine ‘Drug War’ Abuses

You would think that the kidnapping and murder in 2016 of a South Korean businessman by a Philippine National Police (PNP) anti-drug squad would put the brakes on South Korean government support for the PNP. Think again. → Read More

Duterte Threatens Summary Execution of Drug Suspects. Again.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has issued a fresh reminder as to why his murderous “drug war” has earned United Nations and International Criminal Court scrutiny. Duterte issued a televised death threat against detained drug suspects in Cebu province last week. “You know if I were you guys in Cebu, stay in jail. You want to live longer? Stay in jail,” Duterte said, adding, “Do not go out… → Read More

ASEAN Lawmakers Decry Indonesia’s ‘Rising Tide of Intolerance’

The Indonesian government’s failure to address growing intolerance for religious minorities and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community has drawn renewed criticism from Southeast Asian lawmakers. → Read More

New Philippine Prison Chief Threatens Killings of Jailed ‘Drug Lords’

The Philippines’ new Bureau of Corrections Director Ronald Dela Rosa has a killer attitude toward his new job. Literally. → Read More

Netflix’ Philippine ‘drug war’ propagandist

Asian news hub covering geo-political news and current affairs across Asia → Read More

No One Is Buying Duterte’s Denials Over Drug War Deaths

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has run up against the limits of his government’s campaign of denial and distraction to counter criticism of its ongoing “drug war” killings. → Read More