Leta Shy


San Francisco, CA, United States

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Past articles by Leta:

What Are the Rules of Football?

Need a quick refresher on the rules of football while you're watching the Super Bowl 2023 game? We've got you covered. → Read More

Healthy Cucumber Recipes For Summer

When the summer season hits, so does the craving for fresh produce. One of the season's finest fruits happens to be the cucumber, and not just because of its → Read More

How to Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh

There's nothing worse than loading up during your weekly trip to the farmers market or grocery store and then forgetting about all your goodies, only to find → Read More

Evening: Skip Happy Hour

Whether it's a glass of wine with dinner or a cocktail at happy hour, that drink can make you feel bloated for many reasons. Not only can the alcohol cause → Read More

Short Exercises to Burn 200 Calories

If you find it hard to lose weight with your busy schedule, the news keeps getting better. First, just 20 minutes of exercise was proven to help increase your → Read More

Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Cardio is crucial for keeping your metabolism running smoothly. In one study, researchers found that after a tough 45-minute cycling workout the subjects → Read More

Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Packed with fiber, whole grains take up more room in your belly (compared to other foods with the same number of calories) and leave less room for second → Read More

Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

After a long night of fasting, your body needs fuel to rev up its metabolism. Skipping breakfast can slow down your body's ability to burn fat as it tries to → Read More

Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

There seems to be an unending list of benefits that come from getting a good night's sleep, and boosting metabolism is no exception: multiple studies have → Read More

Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

What's a little extra effort if it means a few more calories get burned in the process? You've probably noticed that it takes a bit longer to eat a chicken → Read More

Best Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Getting up and moving around not only can help you digest after a big meal, but it also may boost your fat burn. Studies have shown that sitting for an hour or → Read More

Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Chewing foods takes energy, which is why eating fruits and veggies is one way to boost your metabolism. To maximize their metabolism-boosting benefits, enjoy → Read More

Detox With Lemon Cucumber Ginger Mint Water

When you're trying to get your health back on track, there are many ways to detox your way to feeling better. The best way to flush out toxins, however, is → Read More

Gwyneth Paltrow's Butt-Shaping Moves

Gwyneth Paltrow credits her longtime trainer Tracy Anderson with giving her butt an overhaul. Tracy helped transform Gwyneth's self-described saggy and → Read More

Victoria's Secret Workout: Butt Exercises With Trainer Justin Gelband

We've always been curious about how the Victoria's Secret Angels prep for their annual runway show. Lucky for us, one of our editors was invited to work out → Read More

10-Minute Sexy-Backside Workout

Here at POPSUGAR Fitness, we know you're pressed for time during the busy Summer season, but we're sure you can find 10 minutes to work your backside. We → Read More

Best Butt Exercises

Need to shape up your backside? Look no further — we've got over 30 of the most effective exercises to perk up your backside fast. Read on to learn the → Read More

Best Healthy Chocolate Dessert Recipes

Chocolate doesn't have to be a guilty pleasure. In fact, it can be downright good for you! This Valentine's Day, enjoy the decadence without guilt; check out → Read More

Easy Half-Marathon Training Plan

Sure, you like to clear your head with a Saturday run, but do you scoff when someone calls you a runner? That's no reason to not sign up for a race, says → Read More

Garlic Toast With Mashed Avocado and Salsa Verde Spread

In this recipe, toasted bread rubbed with garlic gets topped with a creamy and subtly spicy mix of avocado (smashed with oil and salt) and ready-made salsa → Read More