David Blake, Audacy

David Blake


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Past articles by David:

Experts say New Orleans needs to rethink drainage

Experts are joining in on the flood fight in New Orleans. Many appear to agree that a whole new approach is needed if there is to be a chance at improving the situation. Ramiro Diaz is an architectural designer with Waggoner Ball. He says we need to take a new approach. → Read More

S&WB director says even he's frustrated with frequent floods

New Orleans is still reeling from the flooding Monday afternoon. Business owners along with city officials are demanding action.It's been one year on the job for Sewerage and Water Board executive director Ghassan Korban. He tells WWL First News something is going on underground. → Read More

Celebrating the Louisiana Champions

The Little League World Series Champions received a heroes welcome today at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.The team's tremendous victory has both coaches and players on cloud nine and loving all the support. → Read More

More support for hiking minimum wage — if it's not by too much

The controversy over raising the minimum wage continues to stir up debate across the country, could the economy handle the change?A survey of economists shows 61 percent favor raising the wage but they don't say by how much. → Read More

Louisiana unemployment holds at 4.3 percent

The jobless rate for Louisiana in July held steady at 4.3 percent, that's the same figure as last month.Louisiana Workforce Commission Secretary Ava Dejoie says it's exciting to see such a healthy job market. → Read More

Suicides keeping rising with increasing fallout

Suicide is now considered an epidemic in the U.S., and is rapidly becoming a public health threat. As the numbers continue to climb, people who take their own lives are leaving many loved ones behind suffering and in need of help. → Read More

It's not your imagination: Rain comes down harder lately in New Orleans

We all know the drill: a big shower dumps inches of rain on New Orleans in a short period of time, and then often comes street flooding. → Read More

Getting pumped about pre-season Saints football

Among those excited about the game is the Voice of the Saints, Zach Strief. Even though many fans will watch players they have never seen, Strief says you never know when there's a breakout moment that might allow a rookie to fulfill a dream. → Read More

Louisiana patients hopeful about legal pot products

As medical marijuana first became available today after a four-year wait in Louisiana, there are some people who are anxious to try it. Some of the people suffer from diseases that cause them terrible pain and other maladies. → Read More

Are their solutions to the rampage of killings?

What can the government and society in general do about mass killings? There are certainly no easy answers and even the top experts are struggling for ideas.LSU Criminologist Dr. Peter Scharf says often, people will blame mental illness or a lack of treatment in the U.S. → Read More

"In God We Trust" to be displayed in all Louisiana public schools this year

"In God We Trust" to be displayed in all Louisiana public schools this yearBeginning in fall, all Louisiana public schools will have to display "In God We Trust" and educate students about the origin of the motto. → Read More

New property tax assessments shocking New Orleans homeowners

Property owners all over New Orleans are receiving new tax assessments, and in some cases home values have soared. That's creating a real dilemma for some. What if you can't afford your taxes, what do you do? → Read More

Lawmakers propose federal help for Gulf seafood industry

Louisiana's fishing industry has been reeling from a terrible year, but there could be some permanent help coming on Capitol Hill, according to Senator John Kennedy. → Read More

Recent rains raise questions about unusual downtown New Orleans street flooding

We all know that it floods in New Orleans and plenty of areas get high water all the time, but recent rains have caused flooding in parts of downtown New Orleans that usually remain dry. Water has crept into shops, restaurants, and hotels. Long-time inhabitants are stumped. → Read More

Back to the Moon, then to Mars

As America celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing, the folks at the Michoud assembly facility are celebrating the past and looking to the future.Thirty-year Michoud veteran and resident manager Patrick Whipps says the new technology is something to behold. → Read More

Edwards pleased with Barry response

The state of Louisiana is ramping down some of its emergency operations today. Governor John Bel Edwards says he is satisfied with a job well done, but he has heard the critics who said officials overacted to Barry. → Read More

Another day of tropical guessing about Invest 92

Where will it go and how strong will it get? Those are just a few of the questions being asked about the Invest 92, which will gradually move south and out of Georgia over northern Florida and into the Gulf of Mexico. → Read More

80% chance of tropical cyclone development in next 5 days

With a good amount of confidence, the National Hurricane Center is expecting some kind tropical activity in the northern Gulf of Mexico by the end of the week. → Read More

Zion brings spotlight to Crescent City basketball

Can one basketball player ignite an entire city? Not just his from his great play, but by creating more business and bringing national attention to New Orleans? → Read More

Midges haven't died off yet

Billions of insects called midges are still giving headaches to Causeway commuters. Some blame the big bug swarm invasion on the opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway. → Read More