Matt Kelly, The New European

Matt Kelly

The New European

United Kingdom

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  • Unknown
  • The New European
  • East Anglian DT
  • Eastern Daily Press

Past articles by Matt:

We're hiring!

We're looking for an experienced commissioning editor to join the TNE team ... maybe it's you? → Read More

The inglorious life and works of Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, in 21 New European front pages

We had his number from the start. Here are the front pages that prove it. → Read More

Now we've all got buyer's remorse

Bizarre events followed our publication of the “buyer’s remorse” story last week. Editor-in-chief MATT KELLY brings you up to speed. → Read More

Nadine Dorries will decide Channel 4's future. She doesn't even know how it's funded.

In amongst all the Boris Johnson chaos, a second contender for political dummy of the week emerged, although it's been little reported in the mainstream → Read More

Boris Johnson is a coward in charge of a bunch of B-list politicians unworthy of us.

Talent in politics has never been so thin. The effects are manifest. When will people actually notice? → Read More

There are reasons to boycott Morrisons. Their daft anti-EU chicken label isn't one of them

Morrisons has apologised for its "non-EU Salt and pepper" chicken, but this packaging "error" doesn't exist in isolation. → Read More

Dear Nadine Dorries, shut up.

The culture secretary's recent fury against the BBC’s Nick Robinson won't win her any favours with the public. → Read More

Book review: Nina Simone's Gum by Warren Ellis. Something special to chew over.

Hello. It looks like you’re using an ad blocker that may prevent our website from working properly. To receive the best experience possible, please make sure any blockers are switched off and refresh the page. If you have any questions or need help you can email us → Read More

News from the front line of Britain's Winter of Discontent.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has gone to Marbella. That's all. → Read More

News from the front line of Britain's Winter of Discontent.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has gone to Marbella. That's all. → Read More

Time we shelved the dogmas of Brexit

The PM has been wildly blaming others for the causes of the country’s crises. But this misdiagnosis only guarantees more pain. → Read More

They said calling the public stupid was wrong. Until the public started panic-buying petrol.

Get your story straight, chaps. Either the public is infallible .. or they're not. → Read More

The built-in middle-class media bias is bad for Britain

Why getting kids from poor backgrounds into journalism is a priority → Read More

The supermarket that won the Cold War

MATT KELLY on how the West triumphed over the Soviets in a campaign fought in the aisles and check-outs. → Read More

Doesn't matter which side of the Brexit fence you sat on, it's perfectly okay to be angry about Boris Johnson

Using the pandemic as a cover story for Britain's post-Brexit woes is contemptitble → Read More

Sorry, but Emma Raducanu simply isn't yours to parade as a good immigrant

Hello. It looks like you’re using an ad blocker that may prevent our website from working properly. To receive the best experience possible, please make sure any blockers are switched off and refresh the page. If you have any questions or need help you can email us → Read More

Ernest Hemingway: Europe's greatest writer

It's sixty years ago since Ernest Hemingway died. It was the end of an American literary giant whose work shaped the world’s view of Europe, but his legend was only just beginning. → Read More

The moral of the story? Don't make an approval-junkie lying journo the PM

Matt Kelly on how media saw Boris Johnson as one of their own... and gave the shyster a free ride. → Read More

How this Liverpool fan came close to quitting over the European Super League

The New European editor-in-chief and Liverpool fan MATT KELLY on the pain and confusion caused by his club’s actions → Read More

How this Liverpool fan came close to quitting over the European Super League

The New European editor-in-chief and Liverpool fan MATT KELLY on the pain and confusion caused by his club’s actions → Read More