Jeffrey Ball, Fortune

Jeffrey Ball


Stanford, CA, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Fortune
  • The New York Times
  • The New Republic
  • Slate

Past articles by Jeffrey:

The electrification of the auto industry is speeding up—and shaking up the energy economy

The shift to decarbonize the planet is kicking into high gear. In few sectors are the risks or the ripple effects greater than in the auto industry. → Read More

Why the coronavirus crisis could make Big Oil greener

Plummeting prices and consumer demand are squeezing the oil industry like never before. But those forces are also making renewable energy a more attractive investment for the industry’s biggest players. → Read More

Big Oil hopes to remake itself with carbon capture

Oil companies are betting big on “carbon capture” technology that sucks greenhouse gases out of smokestacks and the air. It could help a polluting industry remake itself. But is it too little, too late? → Read More

Climate Change Is Hitting the Insurance Industry Hard. Here's How Swiss Re Is Adapting

The world's biggest reinsurer confronts the financial impact of the climate crisis. → Read More

Electric Car Gold Rush: The Auto Industry Charges Into China

Global carmakers like Volkswagen are betting that electric vehicles are the future. But to win in the world’s largest EV market, they will have to battle a host of fierce new Chinese competitors. Oh, and Tesla. → Read More

From Fringe to Core: The ‘Green’ Economy Grows Up

Convening global leaders to define what it takes to win in the new sustainability economy. → Read More

The Trade War Is Distracting Us From a "Green China" Moment

Trade tensions between the U.S. and China are hurting the renewable energy industry globally-- and costing U.S. business a big opportunity. → Read More

The Race Is On to Build a Better Battery

Renewable energy could reshape the global economy—but only if it can be cheaply and safely stored. → Read More

The Race Is on to Build a Better Battery

Renewable energy could reshape the global economy—but only if it can be cheaply and safely stored. Meet the companies racing to crack the anode code. → Read More

Baking a "Jellyroll": How Batteries Get Made

Inside a Chinese factory that's a key link in the electric-vehicle supply chain. → Read More

Norway's State-Controlled Oil and Gas Giant Is Backing a Battery-Research Fund

The fund, Volta Energy Technologies, hopes to help Big Energy convert to cleaner fuels. → Read More

The Global Electric-Car Showdown Is Officially on in China

Tesla, General Motors, and Volkswagen are betting big on the world’s largest market for electric vehicles. But the country’s domestic manufacturers, like BJEV, have a huge head start. → Read More

Carbon prices are like unicorns and fairy dust

Cap-and-trade is all but meaningless in practice, writes Jeffrey Ball, of Stanford’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance → Read More

How the Permian Basin Oil Boom Is Driving U.S. Production to Record Levels and Creating Sudden Wealth

The Permian Basin oil boom in Texas is driving record U.S. production, creating sudden wealth, and attracting oil majors like Exxon Mobil. → Read More

Inside Oil Giant Shell's Race to Remake Itself For a Low-Price World

Fueled by a belief that the age of high oil prices is over, petroleum giant Royal Dutch Shell is remaking itself for a new-energy world. → Read More

Why Concerns About Trump's Paris Accord Pullout Are Overblown

The world will continue curbing carbon emissions even without Washington. → Read More

Making Solar Big Enough to Matter

China’s solar industry is expanding in ways that make it imperative for the United States to up its game. → Read More

Germany’s High-Priced Renewable Energy Revolution

Germany has made huge but costly strides toward renewable power and energy sources. Can any other nation afford to follow it? → Read More

Germany’s High-Priced Renewable Energy Revolution

Germany has made huge but costly strides toward renewable power and energy sources. Can any other nation afford to follow it? → Read More

Donald Trump and Rex Tillerson: Conflict Ahead?

Both the President-elect and his pick for State are successful businessmen. That’s where the similarities end. → Read More