Ruby Wax, i newspaper

Ruby Wax

i newspaper

United Kingdom

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Past articles by Ruby:

Ruby Wax: Getting a Masters in mindfulness from Oxford is quite something for a cynic like me

The thrill of watching the effects that mindfulness had on a brain in a scanner was what finally made me a devotee → Read More

Ruby Wax: Robots are no replacement for humans – they don’t have anxieties

We humans have always had something to be terrified about, even if it has no basis in reality. In the 60s the big scare was that aliens were coming to abduct us as slaves. These days, the fear du jour is that we will be replaced by robots. According to US researchers, those most likely to be edged out of their jobs → Read More

Darkness Even in Paradise

My impression was that New Zealand is a virgin, not yet corrupted by greed and ruthless competition. People here are sweet, not aggressive. Even the birds are friendly. There have never been any predators so even the robins come up and stare at you with absolutely no fear; practically feeding you crumbs → Read More

More on Burning Man

The last night they burned the 80 foot wooden Man. It began with a firework display that kicked the ass of anything I've ever seen or heard about. The sky was filled with lattices of electric sparks that went on for hours and then the effigy of the Man exploded to the crowd's howling while fire dancers went primitive. → Read More

My Take on Teens

The moment I hit puberty I went into shock. It's like my organs were just sitting around chewing gum, shooting the breeze and suddenly, BAM! A big oestrogen rush and my hormones started bubbling like Vesuvius about to blow. The harder my parents tried to discipline me the harder I rebelled. → Read More

You Can't Learn Mindfulness by Taking a Pill

No one can help you except you and only you. The big yawn about this is, as with any other skill, you have to practice doing it in order to break the old habits. It's the only way you'll be able to get off cruise control and start to notice the scenery, smell the roses, taste the chocolate and hear the cry of a she-wolf. → Read More

Mindfulness for Babies

Early on you should try and see baby for what he is - not what you project on him. Nature, in the name of survival, is using everything's she's got to make you see this pink package as containing all your dreams and hope - otherwise you'd dump it. → Read More

Me and the Dalai Lama (I've Never Said That Before...)

So, I went to Australia to meet the Dalai Lama, as you do. I was asked to speak at a conference called, "Happiness And Its Causes", like I know? I told them this was not my specialty as I am a cynic but they held out the Dalai Lama as bait, and I bit... → Read More

Why We're Chasing Our Tails

Our mind is always 'flitting'. It's a leftover from the old days when our lives depended on it. Back then if we didn't keep flitting our focus in all directions, something with large teeth would have come up behind us and had us for lunch. → Read More

A Word About the Body (Actually More Than One Word)

If you went down a manhole and sat there in the dark, what's swarming around up there in your brain sums up whom you really are. I'm not saying don't think about redecorating your house but in the big scheme of things the rehaul won't make your experience of the world any different, even in a new chair. → Read More

On Cleanses

I've decided to start mind fasting where I cut off all outside stimuli and see what's left in my brain. I'm starting with newspapers, to cut off my addiction to world atrocities then I'm going to wean myself off my iPhone and then the computer... → Read More

Ruby Wax: What's so funny about mental illness?

Diseases of the body garner sympathy, says comedian Ruby Wax -- except those of the brain. Why is that? With dazzling energy and humor, Wax, diagnosed a decade ago with clinical depression, urges us to put an end to the stigma of mental illness. → Read More

OBE and Me

Since childhood, there are very few moments in my life that can be identified as raw happiness, when it feels like a forth of July firework display is happening in your heart and you've leapt out of your skin. Last week I had that moment.... → Read More

Burnt out and depressed, I lost my mind seven years ago. Until mindfulness helped me recover it

I didn’t study mindfulness because I had so much free time that I needed to fill a few hours each day staring into space and wearing a white nappy. → Read More