Kendra Leon, Courthouse News

Kendra Leon

Courthouse News

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Past articles by Kendra:

AI experts predict 39% of household chores could be automated in a decade

Of course, bringing AI into our lives and homes comes with the same risks as any technology — and others we may not have anticipated. → Read More

‘Water worlds’ observed orbiting red dwarf star

The third and fourth planets orbiting Kepler-138 may have temperatures closer to Earth's than most exoplanets — though → Read More

Earth regulates its own temperature over time, scientists say

Geological processes such as silicate weathering stabilized the Earth's temperature over millennia, scientists say, but such processes may not do much to mitigate current climate change issues. → Read More

Unknown influences halved the lifespan of honey bees, study says

Over the course of 50 years, the lifespan of honey bees in labs decreased by 50%, potentially threatening honey production. → Read More

Colorful stars in the Milky Way contain debris of Earth-like planets

In the debris of two unusually colorful white dwarf stars, astronomers found the remnants of long dead Earth-like planets. → Read More

Lunar samples reveal volcanic activity as late as 2 billion years ago

A new study reveals the moon was geologically active much more recently than previously believed. → Read More

New technology finds clues in an ongoing Scottish paleontological mystery

Researchers used micro-computer tomographic scans to find in fossils what peels couldn’t – fossil deformation, synapomorphies, and hints at a common ancestor. → Read More

Researchers use acoustic waves to locate meteoroids on Mars

The eyes and ears of a NASA mission located four meteoroids that hit Mars. → Read More

Murder victims confirmed among pre-Columbian mummies, researchers say

CT scans proved two mummies were murder victims. → Read More

Cyborg cockroaches could be first responders in hazardous areas

The Madagascar hissing cockroach could be sent in as an inspector when there's a hazardous spill or as an environmental monitor. → Read More

Pig collagen can treat human blindness, study finds

Pigs provide an abundant and inexpensive way to return sight to the sightless. → Read More

The last giant pandas of Europe finally have a name

Climate change likely led to the species' extinction. → Read More