Rachel Glickhouse, Nieman Lab

Rachel Glickhouse

Nieman Lab

New York, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Nieman Lab
  • ProPublica
  • Pacific Standard
  • Al Jazeera English

Past articles by Rachel:

It’s now or never to expand remote work in newsrooms » Nieman Journalism Lab

"This is the last chance to take what we’ve learned from the pandemic and implement long-term changes that can help these organizations become more inclusive and better places to work." → Read More

Electionland 2020: How Election Day Went —

Read Election Day coverage from ProPublica and Electionland partners. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Wisconsin’s Elections Commission, Drop Boxes, Absentee Voting and More —

This week’s headlines on misinformation, early voting problems and fixing mail-in ballot errors. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Polling Place Safety, Misinformation, Mask Issues and More —

This week’s headlines on Pennsylvania mail-in voting, in-person voting in Georgia, and voting lawsuits. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Absentee Vote Tracking, Drop Boxes, Poll Watchers and More —

This week’s headlines on record early voting, election litigation and disinformation. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Florida Felon Voting, Election Websites, DOJ Policies and More —

This week’s headlines on mask-wearing at the polls, ongoing litigation and misinformation. → Read More

Electionland 2020: PA Voting, NYC Absentee Ballots, Legal Battles and More —

This week’s headlines on election funding, mail-in voting, and misinformation. → Read More

Electionland 2020: North Carolina Mail Voting, In-Person Voting Starts, Naked Ballots and More —

This week’s headlines on a Texas malware attack, Ohio drop boxes and the latest litigation. → Read More

Electionland 2020: USPS Mailers, Pandemic Voting, Get Out the Vote Efforts and More —

This week’s headlines on making a voting plan, the mail ballot supply chain and election litigation. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Voting Begins, Facebook Rules, Pandemic Election Plans and More —

This week's headlines on mail ballots, studies on voting and Trump's latest election rhetoric. → Read More

Please Tell Us If You Have Any Trouble Voting This Year —

Are you a voter? A poll worker? An election administrator? We want to hear from you about any problems you’re experiencing or witnessing in the voting process. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Mail Ballot Challenges, Election Security, New Legislation and More —

This week’s headlines on election funding, lawsuits, and the president’s latest comments on voting. → Read More

Reporting Recipe: How to Report on Voting by Mail —

Many states are expanding mail-in voting this year. Here’s how local reporters can cover this issue while educating voters. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Nursing Home Voting, Election Guides, Creative Enfranchisement and More —

This week’s headlines on the latest USPS scrutiny, mail voting news and election lawsuits. → Read More

Electionland 2020: DeJoy Under Fire, Election Administrators, Pandemic Voting and More —

This week’s headlines on congressional scrutiny of USPS, expanding mail voting, and mail ballot drop boxes. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Texas Votes, Voting Misinformation, Election Funding and More —

This week's headlines on vote by mail surges, new election litigation, and mail ballot deadline problems. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Florida Felons Case, Drive-Thru Voting, Voter Registration and More —

This week’s headlines on Trump’s latest election takes, creative in-person voting, and election lawsuits. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Kentucky and New York Vote, Trump on Mail Voting, COVID Impacts and more —

This week’s headlines on primary voting problems, the fight over vote by mail, and new legislation. → Read More

Electionland 2020: Georgia Aftermath, USPS Struggles, Poll Workers and More —

This week’s headlines on the latest lawsuits, cybersecurity issues, and vote by mail. → Read More

Help Us Cover the Election With Electionland 2020 —

ProPublica is relaunching its collaborative project for a third time to cover voting during this crucial election year. We’re recruiting newsroom partners. → Read More