Cari Romm Nazeer, The Atlantic

Cari Romm Nazeer

The Atlantic

Washington, DC, United States

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Past articles by Cari:

A New Skeleton and an Old Debate About Syphilis

The recent discovery of ancient remains with signs of the disease shows how mysterious its origins are. → Read More

Bonobos Just Want Everyone to Get Along

New research suggests that unlike humans, the peaceful primates pay more attention to bonding opportunities than they do to threats. → Read More

How a Distant Ancestor's DNA Helps Reveal What Makes Us Human

Modern Melanesians share genes with Denisovans, but it’s the missing ones that are most telling. → Read More

Secrets From a Prehistoric Mummy's Gut Bacteria

The Iceman cometh, and he’s raising some questions about ancient migration patterns. → Read More

A Mammoth, a Spear, and a New Timeline for Humans in the Arctic

A new paper uses prehistoric animal injuries to argue that people populated the region thousands of years earlier than previously believed. → Read More

A Prehistoric Mass Grave Suggests Hunter-Gatherers Weren’t So Peaceful

The discovery of 27 skeletons in Kenya hints that warfare has been with us for a very long time. → Read More

A New Way to Appreciate Those Awkward Jeopardy! Interviews

"My Latin teacher was great" and other contestant fun facts, collected on one dedicated Twitter account → Read More

Don't Lick the Tinsel

A tale of Christmas-tree decorations and lead-poisoning prevention → Read More

Second Helpings: Delicious Journalism

Staff picks of our favorite science, technology, and health stories from 2015 → Read More

Can a Predator Really Be Friends With Its Prey?

The phrase is “man’s best friend,” full stop. Not “man’s best friend unless maybe a better offer comes along, in which case, well, it’s been fun.” But Marc Bekoffs’s dog, being a dog, was unfamiliar with this particular saying. And so when a better offer came along, he took it. When Bekoff, now a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, was a graduate student,… → Read More

Fat-Shaming Doesn't Motivate People to Lose Weight

The cards Overweight Haters Ltd. is handing out to passengers on the Tube aren’t just cruel; they’re ineffective. → Read More

The Agony and the Ecstasy of the Single-File Line

What do an airport and a Star Wars premiere have in common? → Read More

The Decorative Gourd Season That Almost Wasn't

A new study examines how humans saved squash from extinction thousands of years ago. → Read More

A Newspaper Written Entirely By Mental-Health Patients

The Meteor, staffed by residents of Alabama’s first psychiatric hospital, was part of an experiment in the way the U.S. cared for the mentally ill. → Read More

How Poop Made the World Go 'Round

Extinct? More like ex-stink. → Read More

The Changing Vocabulary of Mental Illness

On August 14, 1872, The New York Times ran an obituary for the Mexican president Benito Juarez, who had “succumbed to the consequences of a violent attack of neurosis.” It was one of the first times that the word neurosis appeared anywhere in the paper. First coined around a century earlier by the Scottish doctor William Cullen as “a functional derangement arising from disorders of the nervous… → Read More

Is There a Right Way for Men to Talk About Periods?

It's a question Harry Finley, the founder of the Museum of Menstruation, is still trying to figure out. → Read More

Americans Are More Afraid of Robots Than Death

A new survey of fears in the U.S. had technology at the top of the list. → Read More

Americans Are More Afraid of Robots Than Death

A new survey of fears in the U.S. had technology at the top of the list. → Read More

Americans Are More Afraid of Robots Than Death

A new survey of fears in the U.S. had technology at the top of the list. → Read More