Sasha Belenky, HuffPost Canada

Sasha Belenky

HuffPost Canada

United Kingdom

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Past articles by Sasha:

Europe Took A Holiday From COVID-19. Now It’s Paying The Price.

New coronavirus cases hit record highs across the continent, providing the starkest warning since lockdown that the pandemic isn’t over. → Read More

America’s Alt-Right Is Fueling Europe’s Anti-Mask Protests

Europeans are sharing coronavirus conspiracy theories and photos of U.S. protests on Telegram, where they plan their own demonstrations. → Read More

Far Right Seizes On Italy’s Renewed Coronavirus Restrictions To Bash Immigration

Italy's first closures since the lockdown eased are fueling fresh anti-immigrant rhetoric just as the number of migrants surges. → Read More

What The Reopening Of Europe's Schools Can Teach The U.S.

The spring return of students in Europe, albeit brief, failed to trigger a significant increase in infections, suggesting risks can be managed. → Read More

What’s Behind the Global Spike In Coronavirus Outbreaks?

Cases are rising as normal life resumes. But blaming vacationers and partygoers ignores government failures and socioeconomic problems. → Read More

Europe Proves Contact-Tracing Apps Aren’t A Coronavirus Cure-All

Once viewed as a game-changer against COVID-19, smartphone apps have been plagued by low participation, technical glitches and privacy concerns. → Read More

The World's New Strategy To Contain Coronavirus: 'Whack-A-Mole'

As global cases top 13 million, countries are rolling back reopenings and imposing draconian restrictions in scenes recalling the dark days of March and April. → Read More

Emboldened Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens The Return To Normality

A coronavirus vaccine is within reach, but its success may test whether social media companies are serious about cracking down on misinformation. → Read More

Britain’s First Pint In 15 Weeks Ends 'Long National Hibernation'

The reopening of pubs, restaurants, and other establishments marks the U.K’s biggest step toward normality since the coronavirus lockdown began in March. → Read More

What Italy’s Post-Lockdown Life Reveals About The New Normal

Italy, once the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, has been easing restrictions for two months. Here are the lessons now emerging. → Read More

The Tentative Return of Summer Fun Has Begun In Europe

Spain welcomes its first foreign tourists in months and offers a glimpse of what beach vacations may look like for the foreseeable future. → Read More

Why The World Is More Worried Than Ever About A 2nd Wave

A fresh coronavirus outbreak in China, new cases in New Zealand and record infections in parts of the United States show that the pandemic is far from over. → Read More

After George Floyd’s Death, Indigenous Communities Call Out ‘Broken System’

Black Lives Matter protests around the world are highlighting how Indigenous communities are over-policed and under-protected. → Read More

Italy Marks Historic Turning Point In The Coronavirus Pandemic

The country that was once the global epicenter of COVID-19 is lifting travel restrictions, hoping to be at the vanguard of a post-virus recovery. → Read More

Europe’s Grand Reopening Begins With a Whimper

Hopes that reopening restaurants and bars would provide an economic boost have been dashed as customers stay away and businesses fight for survival. → Read More

Europe Braces For Second Wave of Coronavirus Infections

As lockdowns ease, scientists and government officials now fear a new surge is not a matter of if, but when, and how big. → Read More

Europe Risks It All To Restart International Travel

The critical importance of tourism to Europe’s economy is forcing countries into a restart that appeared unthinkable just weeks ago. → Read More

Return To Work Reveals There’s Nothing Equal About the Coronavirus Pandemic

Politicians want people to get back to work, but it’s low-paid, minority workers without the luxury of working from home who are most at risk. → Read More

How Europe Is Getting People Back to Work

The offices, factories and workplaces that employees left before lockdown will look dramatically different when they return. → Read More

The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Forcing Cities To Rethink Public Transportation

Italy could serve as a major test case for other cities facing a key question: As lockdown restrictions begin to ease, how will people commute to work? → Read More