Steve Vladeck, MSNBC

Steve Vladeck


Austin, TX, United States

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Past articles by Steve:

Team Trump is loving this 'shadow docket' Supreme Court loophole

From Lindsey Graham to Donald Trump to Kelli Ward, Supreme Court justices' shadow docket sends a partisan message to America — and helps Republican interests. → Read More

Trump's Supreme Court gambit isn't frivolous. Why it will likely fail anyway.

Trump's lawyers have a new Supreme Court ploy tied to the FBI's search of Mar-a-Lago the Judge Aileen Cannon and special master Judge Dearie document drama. → Read More

Everyone involved in this pro-Trump brief should know better — including Ken Paxton

As a rant masquerading as a legal filing, it was unbecoming of any lawyer. As a brief signed by the attorneys general of nearly a dozen U.S. states, it was indefensible. → Read More


Opinion: How Trump's terrible day went from bad to worse

For most people, having the Attorney General of the nation's fourth most populous state file a sweeping new lawsuit accusing you and your family of "staggering" fraud would be a terribly ominous development. For Trump, it wasn't even the worst legal news he received on Wednesday, writes Steve Vladeck. → Read More

If Trump did ‘declassify’ records (he didn’t), it would be no less damning

His nonsensical claim is a bit like the Twinkie defense — at best it would mean he put his convenience above risks to national security. → Read More

Eastman bet on the Supreme Court to intervene in the 2020 election. It was a lie.

Day 3 of January 6 hearings show how deep Trump's lie goes, including those spread by lawyer John Eastman who exaggerated the role of the Supreme Court. → Read More

The battle that preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol

January 6 hearings have revealed a behind-the-scenes legal battle among Trump's lawyers, including John Eastman and Jeffrey Clark's ill-advised counsel. → Read More

Steve Vladeck: In the Supreme Court, no decision is a bad decision. And it's happening too often now.

An alarming number of Supreme Court cases are pending at the moment as the conservative court appears more behind on its docket than it's been in decades. → Read More

Buffalo shooter's Twitch video presents a test case for Texas — and SCOTUS

Buffalo mass shooting video on Reddit and Twitch is being deplatformed. But a Texas law would make that much harder — and the Supreme Court may not stop it. → Read More

The Supreme Court leaks are transparent political plays

When it comes to the Supreme Court recent leaks, it’s all politics, all the way down. → Read More

The Biggest Lie Conservative Defenders of Alito’s Leaked Opinion Are Telling

Other precedents aren’t safe just because they’re “politically popular.” → Read More

How a Trump-appointed judge reignited a major debate over power in the courts

Are we comfortable placing such power in the hands of individual, unelected district judges — especially in an age when the federal courts often look just as polarized as the country? → Read More

Texas' attack on tenure may be short-lived. It's still ominous.

Part of why I can write an op-ed criticizing the lieutenant governor of my state for not having the foggiest idea what he’s talking about is because I’m not risking my job by doing so. → Read More

Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn's North Carolina re-election test case

One way or the other, the legal challenge to Cawthorn’s 2022 candidacy could therefore have enormous implications. → Read More

Texas judge's Covid mandate ruling exposes federal 'judge-shopping' problem

How savvy plaintiffs across the political spectrum are abusing a “quirk” of the justice system. → Read More

DOJ is suing Texas only because the Voting Rights Act is broken

Texas' gerrymandered election maps, courtesy of the Supreme Court's Shelby and Brnovich decisions, disenfranchise Latino and Black voters after the 2020 census results. → Read More

Steve Bannon's indictment reveals a dangerous congressional dependency

Real reform requires more than just periodic indictments from the president of the moment. → Read More

The National Security Law Podcast: Behold, Our Q4 Episode

Ah, well, that took a bit longer than expected! We promise we don’t mean to let this become a quarterly show, or even a monthly. Too much national security law for that! In today’s episode, we discuss: Haroon Gul’s victory in a GTMO habeas case (and what it may or may not mean for the bigger picture) Majid Kahn’s sentencing testimony (and the clemency letter that the majority → Read More

Why Many Of The Supreme Court’s Critics Are Trying To Save The Court From Itself

The court's legitimacy is slipping. It's time for the Justices to take our criticisms to heart. → Read More

Texas' abortion law puts the Constitution on the line

Texas' controversial six-week abortion ban isn't just a blow to Americans' reproductive freedoms; it's potentially devastating to the Constitution itself. → Read More