Alex Bozikovic, The Globe and Mail

Alex Bozikovic

The Globe and Mail

Toronto, ON, Canada

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  • The Globe and Mail

Past articles by Alex:

TOLive’s St. Lawrence Centre project sets a precedent for high design

Toronto architect’s ambitious plan will replace the St. Lawrence Centre in downtown Toronto with a new centre that will include a theatre, acoustic hall, rehearsal rooms and public gathering space → Read More

The Art Gallery of Ontario’s expansion: A machine for showing art

Initial designs for the AGO’s new wing reveal a very large addition, but its architecture will be extremely restrained → Read More

Why is Toronto tearing down tall buildings? Ask city planning

City planning rules favour houses above all else, warping the economics of land use → Read More

Real estate development incubator aims to increase industry diversity

The FutureBUILDS BIPOC Real Estate Development Incubator is led by consulting firm Monumental and the University of Toronto Infrastructure Institute → Read More

Tory has left the building. What happens to his housing plan?

Will the next mayor be willing to change city policies and advance programs that create new housing? → Read More

Back alley Toronto home with forward thinking design

This house sets a high bar for refined spaces and spatial inventiveness. With luck, those qualities will carry through the next generation of big buildings in the city → Read More

The Ontario Line can find a better way for Osgoode Hall

Osgoode Hall dates back to 1832, and its grounds are some of the oldest formal green space in Toronto → Read More

Why the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre must be saved

Raymond Moriyama’s building is an important work of architecture with social significance → Read More

Lessons from architect Ron Thom: Beauty matters

Ron Thom, Architect: The Life of a Creative Modernist raises tough questions about the state of architecture → Read More

Notre Dame’s restoration enters a new phase as architects envision a new mix of the ancient and modern

This year, construction is due to start on a new spire and roof for a Parisian landmark that officials want to open again in 2024 → Read More

The proposed waterpark at Ontario Place will be Toronto’s worst building

A proposal for an indoor waterpark by Therme, an Austrian company, will dramatically alter the strong heritage value of Ontario Place → Read More

In Edmonton, a bus garage becomes high art

Architects GH3 of Toronto have imposed a rigorous visual logic on the transit hub’s structure of 50,000 square metres → Read More

Opinion: Strong-mayor Tory makes a bold bet on new housing

Mr. Tory seems prepared to disturb the peace to and challenge policies that have limited construction of new housing in Toronto → Read More

Toronto development promises a low-carbon, high-design apartment building

The 12-storey building will have its structure made largely in a factory, from engineered wood components that fit together like high-tech Lego and reduce construction-related emissions → Read More

Municipal planners ‘reimagine the landscapes of suburbia’ at Toronto gallery show

Housing Multitudes, an exhibition at the University of Toronto, asks a good question: Can we find a better way to build? → Read More

Ford’s attack on the Greenbelt must stop. But who has a better idea?

When the PCs move to build suburban mansions and do favours for developer friends, those who oppose them need to have a real counter-argument. Right now, they don’t → Read More

Prolific architect Jack Diamond helped shape a burgeoning Toronto

The head of one of Canada’s leading architecture firms, he made many forays into political and civic advocacy and was hailed as ‘one of the country’s great planners’ → Read More

The enduring lure and resilience of Canada’s malls captured in new book Meet Me by the Fountain

In her new book, design critic Alexandra Lange applies her skills as a design critic and historian to unpack the mall’s past and future and show how it still matters → Read More

Toronto developers want to trade golf for housing and parkland

A group of developers wants to convert the private Flemingdon Park Golf Club, in Toronto’s Don Valley, into 2,500 homes and a major new public park → Read More

Ontario needs more housing, it doesn’t need more sprawl

Doug Ford’s More Homes Built Faster Act sounds like good news, but the premier is taking advantage of Ontario’s housing shortage to push policies that are environmentally, fiscally and socially destructive → Read More