Tori Reid, Lifehacker

Tori Reid


Columbus, OH, United States

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Past articles by Tori:

Chat Heads for Mac Brings Facebook Messenger to Your Desktop

Mac: Chat heads may not be your favorite addition to smart phones, but it saves you from tabbing back and forth in your web browser on your computer. Chat Heads for Mac is free and available. → Read More

Tell a Relatable Story to Explain Someone's Mistakes

Whether it's the sandwich method of criticism, direct criticism, or persuasion methods, there are plenty of strategies you can use to convince someone to change their ways. Tell someone a relatable, convincing story to get them to see the consequences of their actions and change. → Read More

How to Deal With Excessively Needy Friends

Whether your friend needs too much attention, money, or a place to stay, you're probably feeling a little drained having to bear the weight of their responsibilities. Confronting a needy friend may end badly, but there are ways around it that get them off your back without sacrificing the friendship itself. → Read More

How to Turn YouTube Into Your Ultimate Entertainment Hub

YouTube is awesome for streaming music and watching fun homemade videos, but it can also be your primary source of organized online media and offline music. Here's how to unlock the true power of YouTube and use it for more than just cat videos. → Read More

Make a 15-minute Pact With Your Partner for More Manageable Arguments

Arguments are inevitable in any relationship, but what's worse is when you say something so harsh one of you holds a long-lasting grudge--even after the argument ends. Make a pact with your partner to not say anything the two of you won't be able to get over within 15 minutes. → Read More

Jumpstart Your Day With Extreme Temperatures In Your Morning Shower

Mornings are tough, but the right kind of shower can help. Alternate between extreme cold and hot temperatures to get energized and ready for your day. Here's why it works. → Read More

Make Your Dreams a Reality with the WOOP Method

You have two options in life: strive to achieve your dreams, or keep dreaming them. The WOOP method is a practical system to help you turn wishful thinking into reality. Here's how it works. → Read More

Lumoid Lets You Test Fitness Trackers Before You Buy

Fitness trackers come in many shapes and sizes with varying capabilities and reviews, so it's tough to really be sure which one you should get. Lumoid's Try Before You Buy service lets you do just that so you don't fork over a lot of cash for a lackluster wearable tracker. → Read More

Lay Cloth or Cardboard Over Your Windshield to Avoid Frost

We know some pretty cool ways to avoid frost, like parking facing east or using vinegar to defrost your windshield quickly, but if you scrape your window every morning anyway, a piece of cloth or cardboard may be a better option. → Read More

Cube Watermelon Quickly With This Bowl-Cutting Method

Watermelons are huge, and not the easiest fruit to cut. Use this bowl method to cut and store evenly sized cubes in minutes. → Read More

Search for Apartments Early in the Week to Grab the Best Deals

Apartment hunting is competitive. Depending on your strategy you can find yourself stuck in a shabby overpriced studio, or relaxing in a roomy two bedroom loft for the same the price. Search on a Monday or Tuesday if you want the loft. → Read More

FORCEdraft Doesn't Let You Quit Writing Until You Hit Your Goal

Windows: We've all done it: in the middle of writing you get a notification that looks a lot more interesting, then another, and another. Suddenly, you're distracted and procrastinating. FORCEdraft is a writing tool that stays open and blocks everything else on your computer until you hit the writing goal you set in the beginning. → Read More

How to Choose a College Major When You're Stuck

Choosing a college major is a big decision that--if made hastily--can land you in an unemployment line, back in school, or working in a career you chose for the wrong reasons. You may understand these consequences and feel stuck from fear, or simple indecision, but there are some things you can do to choose a major you feel more secure and happy about. → Read More

Ask Your Friends What You Should Do With Your Life

It's easy to get stuck when making a big decision, like what you want to do with your life. Remember,, you're surrounded by people who know your skills, character, and the value you bring to others. Ask them what to do, or what value you bring, to help you figure it out. → Read More

How to Use Rejection to Set Yourself Up for a Second Shot

Whether it's a job interview or after asking someone out on a date, rejection is a harsh reality that we all face at least once. It's tough, but how you handle rejection may very well be the key to getting a second chance later, and succeeding when you do. Here are some tips on handling rejection well and using it as a turning point that will get you what you want in the end. → Read More

Resize All of Finder's Columns at Once With a Keyboard Shortcut

OS X: It's pretty annoying to deal with a multi-columned window and not be able to resize it properly for a good view. There's a quick way to resize finder columns in unison, and quickly expand or minimize the view. → Read More

Stay On Track to Your Goals with Automated Reminders

Sometimes we lose sight of a goal because it's not in the forefront of our minds, like making an impulse purchase when we planned to save. Create reminders that keep your goals fresh in your mind, and then automate them so you don't even have to try to remember. → Read More

Achieve Your Job Goals Using the C.L.E.A.R. Method

Whether you're an entry level employee working your way up or a corporate hotshot, you probably set day-to-day job and career goals. Actually achieving them is a different story. The CLEAR method helps you consider your needs for achieving job goals, which may differ from day-to-day personal goals. Here's how it works. → Read More

Turn Your Android Phone into a DIY Portable Game Console

Android: If you just want to play your favorite game, possibly on the go, a good emulator will do the trick. If you have an Android phone or tablet, it's easy to turn it into a portable console. Here's what you'll need. → Read More

Change Your Long-Press Duration Settings in SwiftKey for Faster Typing

Android: Long-pressing on the keyboard in SwiftKey opens up other options, like special characters and punctuation. Change your long-press duration to get to those extra settings a little faster, instead of waiting an uncomfortable amount of time to reach the extra options. → Read More