Blair Giesen, Voice of San Diego

Blair Giesen

Voice of San Diego

California, United States

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  • Voice of San Diego

Past articles by Blair:

The Case for a Better Hookup Culture Among San Diego Businesses

The willingness of people in the Bay Area to connect tech entrepreneurs and startups to others has led to some of the most powerful business partnerships and success stories there. In San Diego, even some of the most well-known businesses don’t know how to work together. → Read More

More Startup Stakeholders Deserve a Seat at the Table

Mayor Kevin Faulconer brought together some of the most talented local CEOs this week for a roundtable discussion on startups. In other words, it was just a bunch of CEOs, preaching to the choir. → Read More

Out With the Old, In With the New San Diego Economy

To keep up with growth-happy cities like Boulder and Austin, San Diego needs to build up its own promising “new economy. → Read More

Where San Diego Lands on the Four Rules for Startup Communities

A startup superstar has laid out four things a community must do to nurture startups. Here's how San Diego fares at each. → Read More

The Difference Between Incubators and Accelerators

The key distinction is what happens at the end of the process and what you and your company walk away with. → Read More