Javier Zarracina, Vox

Javier Zarracina


Washington, DC, United States

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Past articles by Javier:


The Mueller report redactions, explained in 4 charts

We can’t see behind the bars. But we can see where they are — and why they’re there. → Read More


Scientists weighed all the mass in the Milky Way galaxy. It’s mind-boggling.

The Milky Way has a mass of 1.5 trillion suns. We have no idea what most of it is made of. → Read More


By the numbers: how 2 years of Trump’s policies have affected immigrants

The people directly harmed can be counted. The indirect effects can’t be. → Read More


By the numbers: how 2 years of Trump’s policies have affected immigrants

The people directly harmed can be counted. The indirect effects can’t be. → Read More


The astonishing effects of the shutdown, in 8 charts

The longest shutdown, by the numbers. → Read More


The US has a 2.5 billion-pound surplus of meat. Let’s try to visualize that.

You thought the US cheese surplus was huge? Get a load of the excess meat. → Read More


The US has a 1.39 billion-pound surplus of cheese. Let’s try to visualize that.

If you piled up all of America’s surplus cheese, this is how large it would be. → Read More


All the ice Antarctica has lost since 1992, visualized with swimming pools

More than 2.7 trillion tons of ice at the South Pole have melted over 25 years. → Read More


The mass of all life on Earth is staggering — until you consider how much we’ve lost

All life on Earth, in one staggering chart. → Read More


4 maps that show who’s being left behind in America’s wind-power boom

The Southeastern United States has been left out of the wind rush. → Read More


4 maps that show who’s being left behind in America’s wind-power boom

Why does a huge swath of the country have hardly any wind turbines at all? → Read More


How America has — and hasn’t — changed since Martin Luther King Jr.’s death, in 11 charts

From economic well-being to criminal justice issues, racial inequality is still very real in America. → Read More


This cartoon explains why predicting a mass shooting is impossible

Mental health screening can’t accurately predict who will commit mass violence. → Read More


Map: where Southern California’s massive blazes are burning

Several large fires fueled by strong winds are growing in Los Angeles and nearby areas. → Read More


A visual guide to the key events in the Trump-Russia scandal

Trying to follow the Trump-Russia scandal can feel intimidating, if not impossible. The key events take place over the course of about an entire year, and include dozens of different players and... → Read More


The most popular books in all 50 states, in one map

Arkansas loves Dan Brown, and Pennsylvania loves Stephen King. Here are the most popular books in each state. → Read More


All the rain that's fallen over Houston so far, in one massive water drop

It’s hard to imagine what 15 trillion gallons looks like. Let’s try. → Read More


Game of Thrones season 7 Bingo cards

Game of Thrones season seven is finally, finally upon us. And after a longer-than-usual wait between seasons — plus the end of the entire series now in sight — fan anticipation has perhaps reached an all-time high. So what better way to celebrate Sunday’s season seven premiere than by playing a rousing round of Game of Thrones Bingo while you watch? That’s where our handy season seven Bingo… → Read More


Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with Russians: a quick visual guide

This network diagram highlights the main players and how they connect to each other. → Read More


This chart shows the stunning trade-off at the heart of the GOP health plan

The tax cuts for 400 wealthy families are the budgetary equivalent of ending Medicaid expansion in four states. → Read More