Diego Jesús Bartesaghi Mena, Latino Rebels

Diego Jesús Bartesaghi Mena

Latino Rebels

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Past articles by Diego:

What Just Happened in Peru?

I was sitting in my kitchen with my dad, nervously waiting for the voting in Peru’s Congress to begin on November 9. → Read More

Trans Latinx Activists Gather for the 3rd Annual Marcha de Lxs Putxs

La Marcha, as some trans women call it, is also a call to decriminalize sex work and to ban an anti-loitering law, colloquially known as walking while trans, which gives power to the police to arre… → Read More

22-Year-Old Juan Schoville Runs for Phoenix Mayor to ‘Make Politics Sane Again’

Latino Rebels spoke with Schoville and asked him about his proposed policies if he gets elected, whether or not he has a chance of winning, and his long-term goals. → Read More

Immigrant Rights Groups Denounce Court’s TPS Decision

Chanting “Trump escucha, estamos en la lucha. (Trump listen, we are fighting)” with banners in hand, TPS holders and their families marched from Union Station to Capitol Hill, demanding that Congre… → Read More

Laredo Residents Join Together Against Construction of Border Wall

Standing in front of a large banner that read “Stand with vets. Stop the Wall. Defend Laredo,” members of the No Border Wall Coalition were accompanied by Veterans United Against the Wall and the l… → Read More

Young Latinos Plan to Vote in Unprecedented Numbers, New Study by Telemundo and Buzzfeed Finds

The study shows that the influence of young Latino voters will impact the electoral college in key states like Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. → Read More

United Farm Workers Calls for Boycott of Foster Farms After COVID-19 Deaths

“As time has gone on, and especially since late July, we have been increasingly disturbed to realize that the company was not going to meet us or the workers halfway,” said Elizabeth Strater, UFW&#… → Read More

Colombians Gather in Times Square to Remember Deaths of Young People Killed in Latest Massacres

“We are protesting because in Colombia the killings and massacres are coming back,” said Aura Angélica Hernéndez. → Read More

Spanish-Language US Media Study of 41 Outlets: ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Appears in 358 Articles

The CCM study analyzed 41 Spanish-lanaguage outlets in 15 states and Puerto Rico, accounting for more than 667,247 articles from 2017 until the start of 2020. → Read More

The Democratic National Convention’s Latino Representation Problem?

Only three Latino leaders are included in the four-day primetime lineup. → Read More

A Coalition of Street Vendors in Newark Demands More Assistance Amid Pandemic

Five months after the statewide quarantine began, Ferry Street in Newark looks like a different neighborhood—the swarm of people visiting is no longer there. → Read More

Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Clarifies Comments About Blacks and Latinos

“By the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly d… → Read More

Transgender Activists Gather to Fight Against Trans Violence

“We are gathering today to remember the lives of the trans Black women who have died in the hands of bigotry, racism, discrimination, and misogyny,” said Mariah López, Executive Director of STARR. … → Read More

Land Defenders in Peru Face Criminalization for Fighting Big Mining Companies

According to a new report from EarthRights International, thousands of environmental defenders and their families have suffered killings, violence, harassment, and intimidation. → Read More

The Scars of El Paso (and Mississippi) Remain

“The white supremacy that inspired the domestic terrorist to take 23 lives in El Paso on August 3 last year is the same despicable hatred that inspired ICE to terrorize and raid our communities acr… → Read More

Vizcarra’s Last State of the Union Speech: More Promises and Lack of Self-Criticism for Peru

“Our country may be attacked by crisis, wars or pandemics, but the courage, the pride and the faith of the Peruvians remain firm and unscathed,” Vizcarra said during his speech. → Read More

As Country’s COVID-19 Cases Increase, Peruvians Face Daily Tragedies and Growing Concerns

On July 14, Peru’s department of health (MINSA) announced 333,867 positive COVID-19 cases and 12,229 deaths, becoming the fifth country with most positive cases in the world. As of July 17, Johns H… → Read More

New Jersey Announces $20 Million in Additional Funding to Combat Food Insecurity

PASSAIC, NJ — Before the pandemic hit New Jersey, José Díaz used to wake up every day at 4:00 a.m. to make breakfast, and fix some lunch before heading to the local Home Depot in the city of Passai… → Read More

Commemorating 53 Years of the 1967 Newark Rebellion

More than five decades later, the struggle against police brutality is still relevant today. → Read More