Jonty Bloom, The New European

Jonty Bloom

The New European

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Past articles by Jonty:

The sacrificial lambs of Brexit

As they get used to subsidies that are a fraction of those paid by the European Union, Brexit continues to wreck the lives of Britain’s small farmers → Read More

Are we the new Italy?

Our economy is suffering the same problems of low growth and poor productivity experienced by our Italian neighbour → Read More

Bad science: Michelle Donelan’s laughable Brexit posturing over Horizon

Britain is on the verge of regaining access to the EU-led research budget - so why pretend we can credibly go it alone? → Read More

Brexit compromise on the Northern Ireland Protocol spells danger for Sunak

Sensible changes agreed with the EU will only put Johnson and the ERG back on manoeuvres → Read More

Brexit has only cost us and the worst is yet to come

The OBR forecast that Brexit would cost the UK economy 4% of GDP now looks ridiculously optimistic as the damage mounts → Read More

So long, and thanks for all the fish

Brexit was supposed to save the UK’s fishing industry. Instead, it has made its plight even worse → Read More

Out of service

Bands, lawyers and architects are all suffering as Brexit damages a sector that makes up 80% of the UK economy → Read More

Hospitality’s hospital pass

The government’s Brexit policy has devastated the sector – and opened up a £7bn black hole in public finances → Read More

The Brexit double fault

'Wimbledonisation' helped the City of London become Europe’s financial capital. But leaving the EU has been much less of an advantage → Read More

The spanner in our works

UK manufacturing is reeling from a double whammy of Brexit idiocy, and the future looks scary → Read More

The pointless war on GDPR

Changing the current system will be disruptive, time-consuming, expensive and counterproductive → Read More

The Kwarteng cuts are still coming

The tottering Truss regime is facing a new rebellion over planned cuts to public spending - but they are inevitable to pay for its lower tax plans → Read More

Kwarteng’s gamble is doomed: This is trickle-down Tory economics at its most brutal and risky

The chancellor and Liz Truss have ripped up the fiscal rulebook and handed the rich huge tax cuts. It won’t work → Read More

Britain's phoney war on red tape

Liz Truss is promising a bonfire of rules and regulations. But every other prime minister has tried that and failed – for good reason → Read More

The trade figures are a disaster for Brexiteers

The world’s advanced economies are coming back to life after Covid... with a notable exception → Read More

After the clown ..the clone

Liz Truss’s promises are as empty, illogical and deceitful as Boris Johnson’s. No wonder she’s favourite to win the Tory leadership → Read More

The Northern Ireland Protocol is working. Naturally, the UK government is trying to destroy it

What will Boris Johnson’s departure mean for the Northern Ireland Protocol and the government’s plans to rewrite it? → Read More

Why the airline industry is about to ruin your summer holiday... and it’s not just Brexit

Leaving the EU has deepened this crisis – but its root cause is the sector’s shabby treatment of its staff → Read More

Britain’s self-harm recession

The pandemic and Ukraine have left the world’s finances on the brink. But predictions for Britain are worse than most. Why? → Read More

Is Norway the way back?

Some Brexiteers are starting to look wistfully at the Scandinavian nation’s easier relationship with the EU. But it is right for Britain? → Read More