Cody Copeland, Courthouse News

Cody Copeland

Courthouse News

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Past articles by Cody:

Mexico’s 2023 military equipment fund larger than two federal branches combined

Meant to expedite spending for use in Mexico’s calamitous War on Drugs, the fund has been shown to be opaque and susceptible to corruption. → Read More

Illicit water trade worsening hydraulic crisis in state of Mexico

Residents of Ecatepec, north of Mexico City, say they have gone months without running water and are forced to buy it from what they described as a “mafia.” → Read More

Mexico City officials offer apology for 2017 school collapse that killed 26

Officials presented a digital platform that they claimed will help parents be more aware of structural issues in Mexico City schools. → Read More

Lawyer admits to plagiarism of Mexico Supreme Court justice’s undergrad thesis

Despite the surprising revelation, legal scholars said the confession only mires the situation further in the increasingly polarized political landscape in Mexico. → Read More

US urges Mexico to open up lithium production to private sector

Mexico’s nationalization of lithium production is just one hurdle to the exploitation of its deposits. The other: the technology to extract it from the clay of the Sonora desert doesn’t exist yet. → Read More

Biden, López Obrador send mixed messages at North American Leaders’ Summit

The heads of state presented new actions and a united front on supply chains and critical minerals, but their stances on issues like immigration and drug trafficking seemed to differ. → Read More

Arrest of El Chapo’s son sparks new wave of violence in Sinaloa

Scenes of violent clashes between security forces and members of organized crime recalled the bungled operation to arrest Ovidio Guzmán in 2019, but authorities confirmed that the drug lord was successfully transferred to a Mexico City military base. → Read More

Mexico Supreme Court elects first woman as chief justice

Legal scholars hailed the magnitude of the decision, highlighting the significance of a woman leading the highest court in the land and extolling the new chief justice’s impartiality and sound legal philosophy. → Read More

Mexico Senate approves controversial electoral reform

MEXICO CITY (CN) — Mexico’s Senate Wednesday approved a hot-button legislative reform meant to overhaul the country’s national electoral system. The bill passed in a 69 to 53 vote after nearly five hours of debate on the Senate floor. It aims to change three existing election laws and create one new one in what the ruling Morena party claims will streamline the National Electoral Institute… → Read More

Seeking authentic in Mexican town that introduced world to magic mushrooms

Mazatec curandera María Sabina put Huautla de Jiménez on the map when she shared her ceremonial psychedelic mushroom practice with outsiders in the 1950s, but the misty mountain town has retained its sense of authenticity amid the world-changing events that followed. → Read More

Rapper sparks self-defense ‘bonfire’ amid Mexico’s record-high levels of gender violence

After years of authorities neglecting, refusing and being too inept to bring down Mexico’s extreme rates of gender violence, one group of women is taking their personal safety into their own hands, and teaching others to do the same. → Read More

Venezuelan migrants stranded in Mexico City bus terminal after border policy change

Venezuelan migrants headed north to the U.S. met with others recently deported at a Mexico City bus terminal in the aftermath of last week’s policy change. Running out of options, many said they would stay there until they heard something new. → Read More

Mexico Senate extends use of armed forces for public safety to 2028

Debate over the bill grew heated on the Senate floor, with one former Morena senator calling her erstwhile allies “hyenas waiting for the stinking leftovers the president throws them.” → Read More

Notaries, government aim to change Mexicans’ minds about drawing up wills

Despite the accessibility of will making in Mexico, stubborn cultural assumptions continue to deter the vast majority of eligible citizens from drawing one up. But lawyers, notaries and the government are determined to change the culture, both within Mexico and abroad. → Read More

Residents protest inauguration of Mexico City’s tallest skyscraper

The demonstrators accused the city and federal governments of allowing the largest real estate project in Latin America to be built without the proper permits, among other complaints. → Read More

Mexico holds annual Independence Day military parade amid National Guard controversy

As his administration and party advance policies that broaden Mexico’s military power to deal with record-high levels of violence in the country, President López Obrador addressed conflicts elsewhere in the world during his Independence Day speech. → Read More

Mandatory pretrial detention ruling revives questions over power of Mexico Supreme Court

A case arguing that the preventative measure violates human rights as defined in international treaties to which Mexico is signatory has Supreme Court justices quarreling over whether or not their appellate power extends to the country’s Constitution. → Read More

Anti-monumentalism in Mexico: making visible what the state would rather hide

Feminist activists placed their own memorial on the plinth where a statue of Christopher Columbus stood for more than a century. Now the government wants to move the anti-monument. → Read More

Mexico City airport terminal sinking, at risk of collapse: López Obrador

Airport authorities have built makeshift solutions to the problems, like ramps between buildings that have become uneven, but experts say serious intervention is needed. → Read More