Flavio Martins, CustomerThink

Flavio Martins


Hawaii, United States

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Past articles by Flavio:

7 Wonders of Effective Customer Experience Leaders

According to human psychology, the human brain cannot think in words or alphabets, it thinks in images or pictures. As customer experience leaders we need to be more proactive in creative a vision for experience rather than just empty affirmations of service. When Microsoft decided to eliminate its controversial stack ranking system for employees, the decision was widely discussed by Wall Street… → Read More

Refreshing Thoughts on Social Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management systems are now merging with social media capabilities enabling organizations to build stronger relationship with customers. Because of the increasing popularity of social media technologies, Customer Relationship Management now gives way to a broader perspective that acknowledges the new capabilities that are a result of social and technological shifts caused by… → Read More

From Zero to $5 Billion Powered by Customer Service Experience

Vernon Hill is the most customer-driven banker who has tapped into the power of customer service experience to build one of the fastest growing financial institutions in the world. Metro Bank, in the United Kingdom, run by Vernon Hill, was issued its license by the government’s Financial Service Authority in March 2010. Metro Bank was the first high-street bank to receive such a license in over… → Read More

CX Year in Review – Trends, Best Practices, and Lessons Learned

Industry surveys point to the critical gap that exists between the quality of service delivered and kind service that customers really want. Quarterly, semi-annual, or yearly reviews of progress and accomplishments are a fundamental practice that nearly every organization performs. Taking time to review what worked and where renewed efforts are needed is essential to ensuring ongoing progress… → Read More

One-Two Punch Combination of Customer Service

While it’s easy to emphasize the importance of good customer service, most organizations fail to re-emphasize its importance as a core strategy. The result? Low sales, lost and disgruntled customers and eventually, a failing organization. So the main question is, what can business owners do in order to improve their customer service? The answer to this is a two-step process listed as follows: *… → Read More

The Future Customer Experience Will Go Virtual

According to research by Gartner, 89 percent of executives are betting on customer experience as their primary mode of competition before the end of 2016. However, over the last few decades, customer experience and service delivery veered away from personalized support and adopted a “call and wait” system while companies cut costs and installed voice-activated phone prompts. Today’s trends are… → Read More

Are You Experienced Enough in Customer Experience #INFOGRAPHIC

Organizations that continually excel in their customer experience and service delivery average increased growth of 4-8% in revenue over competitors in their industry. Whether your organization is a practitioner of Net Promoter Score (NPS) or some other method of determining customer loyalty and customer advocacy, it’s clear that promoters or loyal customers are critical to the long-term… → Read More

Getting Started With Advanced Call Center Management and Metrics

Something as simple as a phone conversation can make the difference in the life of a customer, if it’s done correctly. Direct agent-to-customer communication is one of the most powerful methods of problem solving available in the contact center today. Even in the age of email and social media, there’s real power and effectiveness found in old fashion human-to-human conversation. When customers… → Read More

Is Live Chat the Customer Experience Silver Bullet? #INFOGRAPHIC

A recent report from Software Advice found that 33% of consumers would rather chat to avoid waiting on hold, and 49% of all online shoppers prefer to ask their questions via live chat. Since 89% of companies plan to compete on the basis of customer experience next year and since live chat is so popular with consumers, it’s implementation and use could be the key for a company to take it’s CX to… → Read More