Laurie Garrett, Foreign Policy

Laurie Garrett

Foreign Policy

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  • Unknown
  • Foreign Policy
  • CFR
  • The Dallas Morning News

Past articles by Laurie:

The Science Says Everyone Needs a COVID-19 Booster Shot—and Soon

The biology of the delta variant has made mass revaccination an urgent necessity. → Read More

Trump Is Guilty of Pandemicide

History will show the former U.S. president was staggeringly negligent during the pandemic’s deadly third wave. → Read More

The Pfizer Vaccine News Is Good. Here's the Bad News.

Even if the coronavirus treatment works as advertised, there are plenty of reasons to worry about how much good it can do. → Read More

Trump’s Coronavirus Vaccine Can’t Be Trusted

If a vaccine comes out before the election, there are very good reasons not to take it. → Read More

The Trump Administration Has Made America’s Schools a Moral and Medical Catastrophe

A guide to understanding the science, and the politics, preventing U.S. children from being educated this year. → Read More

Sorry, America, the Full Coronavirus Lockdown Is Coming

Politicians won’t admit it yet, but it’s time to prepare—physically and psychologically—for a sudden stop to all life outside your home. → Read More

How China’s Coronavirus Incompetence Endangered the World

As the deadly coronavirus began to spread, Beijing wasted the most critical resource to fight it: trust. → Read More

Trump Has Sabotaged America's Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

As it improvises its way through a public health crisis, the United States has never been less prepared for a pandemic. → Read More

The Wuhan Virus: How to Stay Safe

As China’s epidemic continues to spread, things may seem scary. Here are ten simple precautions that can protect you from contracting the coronavirus. → Read More

Wuhan Virus Is the Belt and Road Pandemic

There’s one difference between the Wuhan virus and previous outbreaks in the region: China is now impossible to quarantine. → Read More

The Real Reason to Panic About China's Plague Outbreak

It’s not the disease that’s worrisome—it’s the Chinese government’s response to it. → Read More

Greenland Is the Center of the World

The Arctic island offers a harrowing reminder of the environmental damage, and political dangers, already imposed by climate change. → Read More

The World Bank Has the Money to Fight Ebola but Won’t Use It

In Congo, thousands of people have died due to a misguided finance-driven approach to fighting pandemics that puts investors before victims. → Read More

Your Cell Phone Is Spreading Ebola

A deadly outbreak in Congo has become a global emergency because of a raging conflict over valuable minerals. → Read More

The World’s Many Measles Conspiracies Are All the Same

The deadly disease is spreading rapidly around the globe, fueled by a cratering of social trust. → Read More

Ebola Has Gotten So Bad, It’s Normal

Africa isn’t just dealing with an outbreak anymore—and that’s bad news for everyone. → Read More

Welcome to the First War Zone Ebola Crisis

The world thought it knew how to deal with Ebola outbreaks—but it’s never dealt with one like this before. → Read More

You Can’t Treat Tuberculosis With Platitudes

Washington nearly killed the U.N. anti-TB effort, but it didn't need to. The U.N. will do that itself. → Read More

Welcome to the Next Deadly AIDS Pandemic

The world thought it had fought the HIV virus to a stalemate—but its strategy was flawed in ways that are only now becoming clear. → Read More

Trump’s Battle Against Breastfeeding Is a Small Part of a Wider War

With escalating drug prices and growing vaccine paranoia, American populism is taking down the edifice of global public health. → Read More