Chris Farnell, Den Of Geek

Chris Farnell

Den Of Geek

San Francisco, CA, United States

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Past articles by Chris:

Doctor Who: Flux – Did the Time Lords Create the Weeping Angels?

Now that Doctor Who has linked the Weeping Angels to the Division, will we learn that the Time Lords were behind the genesis of the lonely assassins? → Read More

How Science Fiction's Ensemble Stories Humanize Space

A close-knit crew of wildly different people ride around on a spaceship having adventures. If you’re a sci-fi fan, there are very good odds that this synopsis describes one of your hooks into the genre. That crew might be a dysfunctional band of space criminals and revolutionaries, or a clean cut team of scientists, diplomats and […] → Read More

Doctor Who: Which New Doctors Are Now Canon?

After the events of Doctor Who series 12, which of the non-canonical Doctors from across Who lore can be considered legit? → Read More

Star Trek: Why Does the Federation Seem to Want Slaves?

Though the world of Stark Trek is a bright sci-fi utopia, the United Federation of Planets at its center relies on AI exploitation. → Read More

Essential Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes to Watch Before Star Trek: Picard

These are the Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes that will tell you everything you need to know about Jean-Luc Picard. → Read More

5 ridiculous movie and TV time machines (and 5 even more ridiculous real ones)

In real-life and on screen, there are some crazy ideas about how time travel would work. Here comes the science... → Read More

How to Beat Yourself in a Fight – According to the Movies

Having to fight another version of yourself is always inconvenient. Here are some tips gleaned from onscreen doppelganger dust-ups... → Read More

How to beat yourself in a fight – according to the movies

Having to fight another version of yourself is always inconvenient. Here are some tips gleaned from onscreen doppelganger dust-ups... → Read More

Avengers: Endgame Internal Logic and Science Explained

There's some seriously complicated business going on in Avengers: Endgame. Warning: risk of head explosion. Also spoilers. → Read More

Doctor Who: the genius of making the Cybermen an ideology

Here's how Steven Moffat cleverly tied up an irritating continuity problem and reestablished the Cybermen as a deadly threat... → Read More