Graham Readfearn, The Guardian

Graham Readfearn

The Guardian

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

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Past articles by Graham:

Sky News Australia’s Outsiders breached industry code for accuracy on climate science, media watchdog finds

Acma investigation highlights four segments on Sky News Australia that tried to play down the threat to Great Barrier Reef → Read More

Farewell Tucker Carlson, climate change denier whose claims never stacked up

The former Fox News host liked to dredge up a laundry list of alleged errors by scientists in an effort to erode public trust → Read More

Labor promises to ‘grab this opportunity’ to become renewable energy superpower

‘To see this at the heart of government planning is an overwhelming relief,’ Energy Council says, while investors warn of impact from US energy package → Read More

Australia recycles just 18% of plastic packaging and will not reach 2025 target, review finds

Environmental campaigners say industry-led approach is failing and stronger laws are needed → Read More

World’s at-risk kelp forests provide billions of dollars in benefits, study shows

Report highlights environmental and economic impacts of algae threatened by climate crisis, overfishing and pollution → Read More

Australia’s resources minister heaps warm praise on gas as industry PR spree masks doubts about future

Madeleine King says gas can help decarbonise the economy but not even big users of the fossil fuel are convinced → Read More

More stockpiles of soft plastics from failed REDcycle recycling scheme uncovered

Dozens of storage sites found across Australia but estimated amount of plastic reportedly falls from 12,350 tonnes to 11,000 → Read More

Apple pulls out of Andrew Forrest-backed windfarm at centre of threatened species controversy

Upper Burdekin project would have significant impacts on four species, including koalas and greater gliders, developer says in public report → Read More

A climate policy that actually cuts emissions? It’s the reality that fossil fuel bosses and News Corp commentators can’t see

Changes to the safeguard mechanism take us a step closer to net zero by 2050 – the goal consecutive governments have signed up to → Read More

Melting Antarctic ice predicted to cause rapid slowdown of deep ocean current by 2050

New research by Australian scientists suggests 40% slowdown in just three decades could alter world’s climate for centuries → Read More

More than half NSW forests lost since 1750 and logging ‘locking in’ species extinction, study finds

Exclusive: Report says 435,000 hectares have been degraded through logging since 2000, affecting 244 threatened species → Read More

Russell Brand is the latest to platform climate conservative Bjørn Lomborg’s ‘reckless’ net-zero cost claims

The Danish commentator has been accused of continuing to misrepresent findings about the costs of cutting emissions, despite pleas from scientists → Read More

Queensland windfarm backed by Apple and Andrew Forrest sparks warning over impact on threatened species

Windlab wants to put 80 turbines and 150km of tracks on site inland from Ingham to build the Upper Burdekin windfarm → Read More

Clive Palmer-owned company withdraws appeal against ruling that coalmine would worsen climate crisis

Landmark decision from Queensland land court declared emissions from Waratah Coal project would limit the rights of future generations → Read More

Former Australian PM Tony Abbott joins board of UK climate sceptic thinktank

Abbott says ‘we need more genuine science and less groupthink’ in announcing position at Global Warming Policy Foundation → Read More

Australian startup Recharge wins bid for collapsed UK battery company Britishvolt

Recharge, which is also planning a factory in Victoria, revives goal to build £3.8bn ‘gigafactory’ in north England → Read More

Clue to rising sea levels lies in DNA of 4m-year-old octopus, scientists say

Genes of Turquet’s octopus hold memories of melting of previous Antarctic ice sheet, raising fears of what another thawing could bring → Read More

Food, feed and fuel: global seaweed industry could reduce land needed for farming by 110m hectares, study finds

Scientists identify parts of ocean suitable for seaweed cultivation and suggest it could constitute 10% of human diet to reduce impact of agriculture → Read More

Endangered shark sold as flake in South Australia fish and chip shops, study finds

Calls for better food labelling as investigation claims that only around one-third of fish is flake, with served species including rare narrownose smooth-hound → Read More

Qantas, Origin and other Australian companies urged to check effectiveness of overseas rainforest carbon credits

Calls for businesses to do own due diligence after Guardian revealed more than 90% of rainforest credits from a leading offsets provider were likely worthless → Read More