Mark Curtis, openDemocracy

Mark Curtis


United Kingdom

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  • openDemocracy
  • Stop the War
  • New Internationalist

Past articles by Mark:

Revealed: UK Home Office paid £80,000 to a lobby group which has funded Conservative MPs

The Conservative government gave over £80,000 to a right-wing lobby group which has paid thousands of pounds in benefits to Priti Patel and Michael Gove. → Read More

Colluding in War Crimes: Britain’s Unreported Military Alliance With Israel

Colluding in War Crimes: Britain’s Unreported Military Alliance With Israel Written by Mark Curtis on 28 December 2018. Posted in News & Comment Mark Curtis: The reality of British military and intelligence support for Israel is being ignored in the British media "At the Conservative Party conference in October, senior government figures queued up at an event hosted by Conservative Friends… → Read More

Britain’s warfare state

Britain needs an industrial strategy. At the same time, Britain needs to move away from its imperial pretensions to police the world's oceans. The two factors are ever more interlinked. → Read More

Britain Needs a Full Public Inquiry Into Libya War

Britain Needs a Full Public Inquiry Into Libya War Written by Mark Curtis on 18 June 2018. Posted in News & Comment If the 2005 London bombings were blowback from Iraq, then the 2017 Manchester bombing was probably blowback from Libya "The real reason for failing to hold an inquiry is that the government simply does not want to shed any light on this dirty, murky episode." Seven years on… → Read More

The Raw Truth About the UK’s Special Relationship With Israel

The Raw Truth About the UK’s Special Relationship With Israel Written by Mark Curtis on 07 June 2018. Posted in News & Comment Mark Curtis: Israel is seen as an ally against Syria and Iran and the Palestinians are the expendable unpeople "That Britain is supporting Israel over the Gaza killings is true to form. The UK's relationship with Israel is special in at least nine areas." Britain has… → Read More

Will the Foreign Office Try to Stop Corbyn Implementing the Labour Manifesto?

Will the Foreign Office Try to Stop Corbyn Implementing the Labour Manifesto? Written by Mark Curtis on 29 September 2017. Posted in News & Comment Mark Curtis looks at the 1974 FCO paper ‘Britain in an altered world: The outlook for foreign policy’ In February 1974 the Permanent Under Secretary’s Planning Committee of the Foreign Office approved papers for the incoming Labour government,… → Read More

A London Attacker and UK Covert Operations in Syria and Libya

A London Attacker and UK Covert Operations in Syria and Libya Written by Mark Curtis on 07 June 2017. Posted in News & Comment Under May's Home Office, at least one future London attacker & Manchester bomber were able to travel to Libya to fight in Britain's war The Telegraph reports that London attacker Rachid Redouane fought in the 2011 British/NATO war against Qadafi – as did Salman… → Read More

UK General Election: What Are the Foreign Policy Implications?

UK General Election: What Are the Foreign Policy Implications? Written by Mark Curtis on 20 May 2017. Posted in News & Comment Voters are caught between choice and media disinformation, writes Mark Curtis The upcoming election has two key features. One is that voters have a genuine choice for the first time in a generation. But the other is that media disinformation backing current foreign… → Read More

Britain’s Seven Covert Wars

Britain’s Seven Covert Wars Written by Mark Curtis on 15 October 2016. Posted in News & Comment Britain's foreign policy is in extreme mode and shows an absence of democracy Britain is fighting at least seven covert wars in the Middle East and North Africa, outside of any democratic oversight or control. Whitehall has in effect gone underground, with neither parliament nor the public being… → Read More

UK General Election: What are the foreign policy implications?

UK General Election: What are the foreign policy implications? Written by Mark Curtis on 20 May 2017. Posted in News & Comment Voters are caught between choice and media disinformation, writes Mark Curtis Saudi air strike on Sanaa, Yemen, 11 May 2015. Ibrahem Qasim under a Creative Commons Licence The upcoming election has two key features. One is that voters have a genuine choice for the… → Read More

UK General Election: What are the foreign policy implications?

Voters are caught between choice and media disinformation, writes Mark Curtis. → Read More

British foreign policy: a dangerous new era

British foreign policy: a dangerous new era Written by Mark Curtis on 27 April 2017. Posted in News & Comment With the emergence of Trump's foreign policy and the UK government's unwavering support, these are dark times, writes Mark Curtis The special relationship is dragging the world in a dangerous direction Crucially, we’re also stepping up training of repressive states. The government… → Read More