Tara Santora, Live Science

Tara Santora

Live Science

New York, NY, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Live Science
  • Audubon Society
  • Scienceline

Past articles by Tara:

Why do we have different blood types?

The disease malaria appears to have influenced blood types. → Read More

What do ants smell like?

Do some ants smell like chocolate and blue cheese? → Read More

Why do cats and dogs rub their butts on the floor?

Here's why your cat or dog might be rubbing its butt on the floor. → Read More

What's it like inside a kangaroo pouch?

Here's what it's like inside a kangaroo's pouch, where joeys can live for up to one year. → Read More

Why do wisdom teeth come in so late?

Here's why wisdom teeth usually don't come in until the ages of 17 to 21. → Read More

Are jackalopes real?

Can rabbits grow horns, as the legendary jackalope does? → Read More

Why does cold fresh air help nausea go away?

It's a useful trick to help nausea subside, but why does it work? → Read More

Why do so many people have back pain?

Here's why back pain is so universal among our species. → Read More

Why don't we breathe equally out of both nostrils?

You have two nostrils, but usually one is dominant. → Read More

Why do we grind our teeth?

Grinding our teeth damages them, so why do we do it? → Read More

What's the hottest temperature the human body can endure?

It depends on the humidity. → Read More

Why do women tend to outlive men?

Has it always been this way? → Read More

Why do we blink?

Why do humans blink so much? → Read More

Can fish and other marine animals drown?

Can animals that live in the water suffocate? → Read More

Why do we have eyebrows and eyelashes?

What role do our eyebrows and eyelashes play? → Read More

Why are small dogs so fierce?

There are a few possibilities for why small dogs can be so menacing. → Read More

Why do we grow more hair on our heads than on our bodies?

Humans are the only mammals that grow hair this way. → Read More

What does it take to become an astronaut?

Out of 18,000 people, just 12 got into NASA's 2017 astronaut class. → Read More

Do snakes have ears?

Can they hear predators or prey? → Read More

Can a night owl turn into an early bird?

Can you train yourself to be a morning person? → Read More