Myelle Lansat, Business Insider

Myelle Lansat

Business Insider

New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Myelle:

The US cities with the most million-dollar homes

Million-dollar homes are most likely to be found on the East or West coasts of the US, according to a new report from LendingTree. → Read More

Do these 4 things in your 30s if you want to be richer in your 40s, money experts say

Your 30s can be a whirlwind of financial decisions, like paying down debt, saving up to buy a home, or gearing up for children, so you'll want to be mindful of how you spend and save money to meet your goals. → Read More

This 28-year-old turned her side hustle into a $140,000-a-year business. Here's how she did it

Kayla Sloan, 28, who is "naturally organized and a good communicator," turned her side hustle as a virtual assistant into a $140,000 a year, full-time business that makes use of her skills. → Read More

4 fast-growing green jobs that can pay up to $90,000 a year

These environmentally focused green or eco-friendly careers, according to BLS, paid "well above the $38,640 median annual wage for all occupations in 2018." They're also expected to see "rapid employment growth." → Read More

Pick up the phone to avoid one big mistake you're making with your credit card issuer

Four in 10 people who have asked their credit card company for a late fee to be waived were successful, according to a recent survey from WalletHub. "A lot of people get intimidated or nervous by the idea of negotiating with a credit card issuer," but not doing so can cost you," says Matt Schulz, credit card industry analyst at → Read More

4 flexible jobs that can fit into your tight schedule

To find a flexible side hustle, start by considering your skills, hobbies, and passions. "Focus on your functions, organizing, time management, problem solving, communication skills, and everything you can do with that," says Marguerita Cheng, certified financial planner. → Read More

How I traveled to Spain for 9 days, stayed on budget and still had fun

If you're interested in an impromptu international trip, it's important to be flexible and set a budget before taking off. Just remember to remain calm during your trip because unexpected things can happen ⁠— like falling off an electric scooter. → Read More

How you can save up to $500 per month on your mortgage payments

Lots of people shop around for homes, but not for mortgages, and that's a mistake. Even a small difference in interest rates can save you up to $500 per month on your mortgage payments. Here's how to find the best rate. → Read More

3 insurance policies experts say you need in your 30s

In your 30s, you may be getting married, buying a home, or having kids. So it's smart to prepare for the "horrendous, awful, and recurring things that happen in life," says one expert. The right insurance can help. → Read More

Only 34% of respondents passed this 6-question financial literacy quiz — try it yourself here

How well do you understand basic financial concepts? Only 34% of respondents passed a 6-question money quiz. Take it yourself to see how much you know about compound interest, the stock market, and more. → Read More

3 ways you can save money or get a better deal if you're willing to ask

You can boost your earnings or lower your expenses just by asking. "People can be really surprised at how often someone can pick up the phone and ask something from their credit card issuer, and the issuer will say yes," says Matt Schulz, an analyst at → Read More

3 side hustles that could earn you more than $1,000 a month

Nearly half of American workers participate in the gig economy, bringing in an extra $686 per month on average. But some people are able to earn $1,000 or more. Here's how they do it. → Read More

4 fun ways parents can teach kids about investing

Tracking a real or mock investment portfolio can open the door to a conversation with your kids about what it means when stocks rise and fall, and how that impacts your initial investment. "Using real money can be a tremendous lesson for kids, if you can make it engaging," says one expert. → Read More

3 simple ways parents can teach kids about borrowing and debt

It's important to have money conversations with children as early as kindergarten, experts say: "Our financial personalities get shaped very early on and personal finance is such an important lesson parents can pass along." → Read More

Take 3 steps to successfully pivot your career

A career pivot requires learning to navigate a new field. If you're thinking about changing careers, you'll need to assess your skills, fill in experience gaps, and budget for a dip in earnings. → Read More

The credit score you need to get the best rate on every kind of loan

"A good credit score can save you a ton of money in the long run," says credit analyst Ted Rossman. "Besides your net worth, your credit score is probably the most important number in your financial life your credit score has a major effect on your net worth." → Read More

5 things a good credit score can do to save you money and make your life easier

You may know that lenders check your credit score when you apply for an auto loan, a credit card, or a mortgage, but your credit score matters in other areas of your life, too. A good credit score can help you out in all sorts of ways, not just when you're trying to borrow money. → Read More

Are you ready to turn your side hustle into a full-time job? Here's how to know

Before turning your side hustle into a business, you'll want to make sure you're pulling in enough money from your side hustle to cover your expenses as you scale up to a 40-hour work week. "The biggest thing is, can you survive long enough to finally get to the point where you can make a working living?" → Read More

4 questions to ask your credit card company to get a better deal

"People can be really surprised at how often someone can pick up the phone and ask something from their credit card issuer and the issuer will say yes," says Matt Schulz, especially if you have a higher credit score. → Read More

The credit score you need to get the best deal on a cash-back credit card

Cash-back credit cards are the most popular type of reward credit cards, and you can get a pretty good deal on one if your credit score is high enough. → Read More