Sebastian Alvarado, Kotaku Australia

Sebastian Alvarado

Kotaku Australia

New York, United States

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Past articles by Sebastian:

Marvel Science: How Controlling Ants Would Really Work

Animal communication is a key innovation that allows a species to find resources, perceive danger and respond to it as a group. When these interactions scale up into complexity they start to define how the species’ social structure and collective behaviour. When we consider behaviour in ants, we see the management... → Read More

Marvel Science: How Controlling Ants Would Really Work

Animal communication is a key innovation that allows a species to find resources, perceive danger and respond to it as a group. When these interactions scale up into complexity they start to define how the species’ social structure and collective behavior. When we consider behavior in ants, we see the management of hundreds of thousands of individuals working in synchronicity to carry out the… → Read More

Marvel Science: The Challenge Of Domesticating War Rhinos

Some 12,000 years ago, humans chose to domesticate much of the world that surrounds us. This intervention steered our evolution and the evolution of many plants and animals, transitioning our hunter-gatherer society into settled agriculture. Can we domesticate any animal? How does domestication work? And most... → Read More

Marvel Science: The Challenge Of Domesticating War Rhinos

Some 12,000 years ago, humans chose to domesticate much of the world that surrounds us. This intervention steered our evolution and the evolution of many plants and animals, transitioning our hunter-gatherer society into settled agriculture. Can we domesticate any animal? How does domestication work? And most importantly, can we domesticate rhinos as war mounts, as seen in the 2018 movie Black… → Read More